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hazeynut @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, February 28, 2011

Musical Monday

save me from my hokkien song craze!! ;D
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Food For Thought











Friday, February 25, 2011

finally no more editing & cropping of photos to send to ICA.. can collect my passport from next mon.. hopefully i look good.. hee

& some procrastination, i finally start using e bag organiser which i got for free.. =P
although it is small, it packs a punch so right now i wont forget abt my umbrella or wallet or tissue paper.. yay!
tho i now also realise why my bag tends to be quite heavy..
surprisingly e camera is quite a weight contributor...
plus my water bottle as well.. hmmm..

then right now im super tempted by cute stuffs again!!!
has been contemplating whether or not to buy the Mac miniature series + Doraemon Happy Meal set & now comes 7-11 Paddington Bear..
from the photos, me & esther like abt 3 from e set of 8..
but after looking at e display samples, now i like more..
& e worst thing is its quite exp + u cant choose e bear u wan!!! urghhhh!!
so shd i even start in e first place??

finally looking at world events, right now the King of Saudi now giving money to its ppl, looks like in a bid to prevent any upstage..
however i do not think it will be effective leh..
egypt tried to do so as well but look at wat happens..
come on lah, if its jus cos of poverty e ppl there would prob hav protested long ago.. why wait till now??
money is not a cure all..
applies to sg gahmen as well..
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wah lau eh...
can i lodge a complain abt ICA??
rejected my passport renewal twice cos of e photo!!
first is cos its not e dimensions it wanted..
then now is cos e photo image is too big!! *FAINT*
now im super afraid they will reject me for e 3rd time with e reason being, photo image is too small...
lets see what happens...

& i seriously think i better hav a proper weight analysis soon...
ever since at my grandma's wake, there are relatives commenting tt i've lost weight since e last time they saw me..
then today i met some colleagues which i dun meet tt often cos we are at different levels saying tt i become thinner! & one even say tt from far, she initially couldnt recognise me!
did i change tt much?? hmmm

tho one thing i prob need to change rather soon is my hp =.=''
giving me more & more prob...
from jus hanging to auto shut down to whatsapp being auto disconnect & long reconnection time to now some buttons are not functioning!!
wat happens to e trusty & durable Nokia?
& mine is still within e warranty!!!
one thing for sure, not getting a Nokia liao...
high time to look at phones??
Monday, February 21, 2011

Musical Monday

Saturday, February 19, 2011

so now both e budget & Toto winning numbers are out..

for e budget, all i can say is its e usual style of e govt..
e giveout is pretty much e same as the 06 pre-election budget so no element of surprise..
e abolishment of e RTV license which i will say is long overdue
am thinking e govt shd giv out more in view of e inflationary pressures.. jus on fri, e headlines is inflation forecast of e yr is going up to 4%.. perhaps its too fast for e gahmen to react??

& for Toto, din win e smallest prize but luckily i din gamble big..
on e other hand, e 4D still features my numbers on e top 3 prizes..
but if i 'invest' in all my numbers, 'heavy capital' leh..
can someone gives me some inspiration?? haha

TV wise, i think either channel 8 has either no money to produce good shows or taking e easy way out by going to broadcast yet another long TW melodrama. zzz...
now with e abolishment of e RTV license, do i foresee more 2nd rated productions/shows in future??
i want my korean/jap dramas!!!
think next time can dun need to buy TV liao.. =P

news wise,
now catching up on e MENA situation..
e plot is getting more and more interesting..
where it used to be jus one country on riot at one time, now e fire has spread to several countries at once..
Bahrain, Libya, Yemen
wow.. spurred on by prev successes?
& i guess e US gahmen shd hav a big headache now..
how to control extremist from raring its ugly head & how to position itself in this region...
wonders what's on e mind of e chinese leaders as well..
cos they block out searches on Egypt during its period of unrest..
afraid of a resurgence of 1989 Tiananmen Sq?
one thing i giv credit to CCP is their auto renewal of e leaders at least every decade..
but i feel e request of democracy will come sooner rather than later..
反正遲早都要面對, 還不如早點做準備, 至少也能避免大規模的示威活動, 面子也會比較好看。。。

up next will be e Borders bankruptcy..
i rem newspaper is saying tt it wont affect sg operations as it is managed by an aussie co & e next day this aussie firm also fail! how coincidental..
i do hope Borders dun close down tho..
although im not a book fanatic, i feel that sg will become even more of a culture desert if Borders is to vacate which din bodes well....

& finally i surprises me how harsh e chinese cities are when it comes to property right now.. it effectively blocks out foreigners from buying, esp in Beijing. even e beijing citizens are barred from buying if they now own 2 properties!
if e naysayers are complaining e sg policies announced last mth is harsh, they definitely din see this one coming..
i do understand where e chinese gahmen are coming from tho..
we chinese, for some unknown reasons, hav strong attachment to e land & will want sth to call our own & more is always better than less..
tts why e chinese are snapping up e properties like nobody's biz even if e prices are skyrocketing & it means wiping out decades worth of savings..
hence this becomes a scenario when one needs extreme measures to prevent e market from collapsing even worse than e US mkt cos since 08/09, academics are alr waiting for e last straw tt will burst e property bubble..
will sg requires such measures? i certainly hope not..
if so, it implies tt e prob will be damn serious

Food For Thought














interesting perspective with e TIger Mum debate still fresh in people's mind..

personal view is that everything is abt balance..
be it school, work, relationship etc..
所以最重要的是因人而異, 因材施教
Monday, February 14, 2011

touching on current affairs again..

Egyptian President has finally step down after weeks of protest from e people..
2nd 'casualty' within a month!!
power to e people!
i wonder who is next??
& i better read up more abt e Middle East & Africa region to better understand all e happenings...
Like what Dear said, be less East Asia centric..
aim to be a generalist than a specialist.. haha

& USA budget coming up later on..
will be interesting to see what Obama presents & its possible impact on e world..
tho wat im more interested to find out is e upcoming sg budget which will be revealed on Thurs..
& im fairly amused to see how one side is giving reassurance & e other side is managing expectations..
afraid tt singaporeans will be disappointed & hence not vote for e ruling party??
on e online front, there has been quite a number of flak abt how e sg gahmen gives goodies to one's left hand and take back much more from e right hand & say singaporeans shdnt be naive as 羊毛出在羊身上。。。
exactly my thoughts..
jus need to take a look at what happen kinda right after e last GE..
humans hav adaptative expectations one leh..
so u can pull it off once but try doing it another time.. (at least it is one time for me.. cos i realli cant recall what happens after e 01 election, guess im too young to be bothered then)
so i realli waiting and see if e so called open secret will indeed materialise during next year's budget..

Musical Monday

A light hearted song for Valentines' Day!! ^^
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Food For Thought




  比之现在的新派后生的“新年快乐”,“如意”两个字的涵盖面可就无穷了。其他想得到说得出的祝贺词,什么“恭喜发财”“身体健康”“快高长大”“步步高升”“学业进步”“心想事成”,一句“新正如意”包了。你想,如果祝你“如意”,毋论阁下意欲何为,都能称心;各随所愿,各得所需,岂不是最佳祝贺?可惜一句从小到大、到老皆不忘对人说的“新正如意”,如今自成长辈准备好让小子、小女来贺如意的时候,收到的大多是Happy New Year!正是,不如意事常八九,待新春佳节,料想博得仅存的一二分如意,也还是挺难的。或许当下大家共同的欠缺是Happy。一年到头,不论什么场合,什么节庆,一概以Happy祝之可也。祝生日,祝婚嫁、祝周年庆、祝弄璋瓦、祝乔迁、祝爷爷奶奶阿公阿嬷父亲母亲节、圣诞元旦,甚至万寿受难复活,一概就Happy得了,错不了。




nostalgic man..
brings me back to my childhood days..
but right now....

still hav tt little pang of regret in me..
Friday, February 11, 2011

first time im bewildered + scared in a dream..
& its feels so real!!
jus hope its gonna be e last of such kind...
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

right now being e year of e rabbit, it has been said that those who are born in e year of e Rat will have fortune luck..
& as if trying to prove e point, my numbers have been coming up & among e top 3 prizes somemore!!
my mum kept saying 'alamak, u shd jus go buy mah.. cos this year is ur year leh..'

so granted, i went to buy another set of my numbers today & guess wat happen..
among e top 3 prizes, one set is jus so close to wat i bought!!
so near yet so far.. dots..
everytime like tt..
shd i continue buying??
$10 million Toto coming up next fri & tml Toto top prize is $888k...
Monday, February 07, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Food For Thought











Thursday, February 03, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

let me jus blog somewhat abt current affairs...

one will know tt elections is coming up when e newspaper started publishing several surveys/statistics within a short time span about singaporeans & their quality of life/satisfaction level/sense of belonging/housing affordability etc..
cant help but take it with a pinch of salt..
are they trying to paint a rosy picture to assure tt most are happy & all is well so those who dun feel so are the AB-normal ones??
will e respondents give truthful answers in e first place too?
okay i admit i can be realli cynical..

soccer side, Torres is leaving for Chelsea!!! sadded..
& he did mention tt he wanted to stay in liverpool for long..
而且人不為己, 天誅地滅。。
esp when liverpool has not been at e best of state for a while now..

international wise, seems like e egyptians are dead set on wanting e president to step down now instead of sept..
im still kinda amazed how e Tunisia episode has a rapid effect in the Middle East region.
Perhaps they hav had enough of e corrupt govt and e episode provides e momentum to call for change??

wah, it is Feb before i knows it..
wasted one month liao..
sucks big time...

& CNY coming soon..
hope e coming year will be a better year for me
& for the world too..
alr so mani bad news in Jan, until i kinda lazy to blog liao..