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Saturday, January 31, 2009

never realise my lips can become 'sausage lips'.. super swollen + injured.. e sides are cracking like anythin even though i did nothing..
think e main suspect is e prawn noodle i ate last night but e thing is, i did not eat any prawn!! strange..
now opening my mouth is a chore cos its like e sides of my mouth r glued (e lip is self healing such tt there's dead skin cells ard it to protect e new growing skin) n to open it will be akin be tearing a sealed envelope *ouch*
n my gum condition dont look optimistic too.. lower gum super red.. die la.. i must know wat happen first before i can cure it right? at a lost over what i should do..

n as if things aren't bad enough, my hp is also spoilt during this period.. no wonder there's a chinese saying that accidents/disaster din come alone.. fainted leh.. my phone is onli 4+ months old!!! no wonder ning's bro was telling me e other time tt his frens who got my phone all got it changed by e 4th month or so.. at first im thinkin e phone is jia lat ar? but aft using e phone for several months now, i find that i dun realli like e phone. in some ways its not as clever as a normal hp n now i can see tt it kena spoil easily.. & its not covered by warranty cos e CSO say tt can see tt my hp batt got contact w water before.. idiot..

need to fork out extra $$ to look out for new phone le.. plus also dunno wat phone to get.. sianz..

wat a start to the new yr....

Food for Thought

坎贝拉 Birrigal把我引入 音乐的世外桃源
  莫扎特曾经说过,没有出国旅游过的音乐家,是不可能演奏出动人的乐曲的。这句话,我确确实实地在坎贝拉的Birrigal感受到了它真正的意义。一直呆在家里面对着乏味的平日生活和千篇一律的日常活动,扼杀我对音乐的感触与灵感,使得自己弹奏出的曲子失去了“味道”。 庆幸的是,天赐良机,老天把我送到了澳大利亚,也许是想让我有一个机会去“体会音乐”与“搜集经验”。在Birrigal,我深深地感受到了一种莫名其妙的感觉,仿佛把我推入了音乐的世外桃源。






探索澳大利亚紫罗兰山洞 刺激如演武侠片

  2008年11月 13日,作为爆米花游学之旅团队中的一员,我来到了期盼已久的澳大利亚著名景点——蓝山。





  接下来,导游让大家把头盔灯都关掉,说:“我们要让你们看一样古时的油灯。”话音刚落,就听到 “嚓嚓”几下,一个导游叔叔的手上突然出现了一簇小小的桔红色火苗,一跳一跳的,十分耀眼。尽管火苗微小,还不时被大家的呼吸吹得左右摇摆,但在黑暗中却犹如雪中送炭。




紫罗兰山洞 大自然的魔力




  要探险,先穿戴好行头。我们头戴具有探照灯的安全帽,身着探险服,准备就绪,出发!第一站——“sinkhole”(污水坑),其实它是一个巨大的石灰坑 (doline)。我们腰间系好皮带,被一条绳子吊着,用沿绳滑下法 (abseiling),让身体与石壁垂直,与地面平行着下来。






Monday, January 26, 2009

Musical Monday

Summer Nights
John Travolta / Olivia Newton-John

Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin', happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
I met a boy, cute as can be

Summer days driftin' away,
To uh-oh those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more,
Did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more,
Like, does he have a car?

She swam by me, she got a cramp
He went by me, got my suit damp
I saved her life, she nearly drowned
He showed off, splashing around
Summer sun, something's begun,
But uh-oh those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more,
Was it love at first sight?
Tell me more, tell me more,
Did she put up a fight?
Took her bowlin' in the Arcade
We went strollin', drank lemonade
We made out under the dock
we stayed up until ten o'clock

Summer fling don't mean a thing,
But uh-oh those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more,
But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me more,
Cause he sounds like a drag

He got friendly, holdin' my hand
Well she got friendly, down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eighteen
Well she was good, you know what I mean

Summer heat, boy and girl meet,
But uh-oh those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more,
How much dough did he spend?
Tell me more, tell me more,
Could she get me a friend?

It turned colder, that's where it ends
So I told her we'd still be friends
Then we made our true love vow
Wonder what she's doin' now

Summer dreams ripped at the seams,
But oh, those summer nights
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Food for Thought

独家原创 Sharon







轉載自 http://www.pokerlistings.hk/cards-life

kept nodding my head when i was reading e abv article..

when playing asshole taidi in genting, my cards were quite good..
esp e one time when im e 2nd last n i need to pass my best card to e 'queen' and e 'queen' needs to pass e worst card to me, i was so surprised n was thinking perhaps i can win..
but then i still end up as 2nd last cos i dun have control over e game.. each time i play out a good card someone will throw a better card.. sianz..

tts when my colleague was saying having control is perhaps e utmost importance..
but with control also comes strategising and taking full responsibility cos u now cannot blame on luck, e overall situation etc.. (though these might also be mere excuses)

however once u lose control, u can also follow e tide n may not be able to do things u'll pretty much like to... just like playing cards..
with control, u can 'throw away' ur worst card and preserve your good cards.. if not u'll be stuck with a lousy card which u prob have no chance of getting rid of..

isnt life e same as well?
Friday, January 23, 2009

the budget

from a layman point of view, its a super disappointing budget..
no extra measures to tackle e cost of living.. as if half a month's of SSC discount is going to help
no measures taken to encourage sporeans to spend even though SM Goh has verbally encourage sporeans w e ability to do so.. doubling e GST credit is too insignificant lor n i bet most sporeans wont spend it so wat's e use?

e rest of e measures i dun see it benefitting e normal man on e street.
i know tt e aim of e budget is to preserve jobs..
but i personalli feel that w external dd in big qn mark, is 12% enough to help e export oriented firms?
n then for exec level employees, its less than 12% cos e wage is kept at 12% of 2500 or lower..
for capital int ind, e biggest cost in e production may be not wages.

when there's ext dd, there's also internal dd. then why does e govt always overlook local dd? why dun e govt dish out more incentives for e local to spend?! i know they are going to repeat tt most of local spending will end up in foreign hands anyway so no use.. but like wat i mention in my post sometime last yr, it seems like they are missing out e whole pic. let's face it, any country which does trading will face this prob anyway so wat's e fuss? as long as a portion of e spending end up in local hands, i think its good enough. n 40% is not too small a num leh..

n im also not expecting a big miracle.. even taiwan expects e shopping vouchers to boast GDP by only 0.64%. maybe e govt wanted to see more results so they think its not worth it.. but i also like to point out how much will e other measures help? w most developed economies expected to go into recession, my take is tt any measures tt can dampen/cushion a more serious/painful recession is worth trying..

i realli dun get it....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

back to school

went back to my Alma maters during e past few days..

just went back to take a look cos its been some yrs since i went back..
both schs change a lot le then most of my teachers are also no longer teaching in e sch.. =(
so din get to see any teachers for me.. end up meeting one of my fren who is teaching in one of e sch n do some catch up..

n went there too late.. most of e canteen stalls were closed when i reached.. missed out on trying e food as well as getting e PE shorts.. lolz..

but one thing tt din change, e homey feeling when im there.. applies to my sec sch onli.. however, my JC now actualli has e homey feeling! surprise surprise..
tt's certainly a good sign la, cos JC syllabus is realli alot n teachers r alr running against time to complete e content then if e sch still has e pressure cooker environment students will tend to repel.. just like wat i did several yrs back..

n somehow me n my fren find tt those who went to e JC somehow belongs to e same type.. looking at the students who are there, their hairstyle, e way they wear uniform, e way they talk n behave doesn't differ much from our time.. in fact it is almost e same.. no wonder ppl say certain sch of ppl got certain looks.. cos e sch attracts this particular grp of ppl.. birds of the same feather flock together..

hmmm i realli wonder do i belong to tt grp back in JC? but Nj din attract me in e 1st place leh.. went there cos its e onli top 5 JC i can go in n its not too far away from my house.. hehz.. i choose sch by elimination method.. lolz..