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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekend Special: Korean Actor - Yoo Gun

Fell in love with this actor when watching 'Hello God' aka 'How are you, God'
his child-like n megawatt smile, his dashing looks... *drool*
and he is only a yr older!!! =P
okay, lets cut e crap.. hee
here comes the pictures

Credits: www.soompi.com/forums and the members who uploaded the above photos!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006

dramas galore

have been watching drama serial non stop for e past few days, all thanks to josh.. but e serial is really good!! anyway it also made me realise i have tonnes of drama serials n movies to clear n i only hav 2 more weeks of school holidays!! oh no... which means i may not blog in e coming week or so.. drama is my top priority now.. =D
how i wish i can blog some thoughts on the recent world affairs but it has to take a backseat for now..
Monday, July 24, 2006

Commencement photos..

after some delay, i finally got the commencement photos from peggy n yenting.. so now its time to share and keep this blog active.. =D will be blogging in a day or two.. meanwhile do enjoy!!

Peggy & Yenting

Yenting & Jing Lian

Yenting & I

Peggy & I

Irene, Zhenzhi, Yenting, me & Jolene

Irene, me, Jing Lian, Yenting, Zhenzhi & Jolene

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Weekend Special: Drama Review 3 - Hello God

it has been quite some time since i did the last drama review..
i personally feel that this is one of the underated drama..
when i first saw the drama title, i was like 'huh? wat an unusual name' but it never arouse my interest to watch.. partly cos i have too mani dramas to clear n partly cos i din hear any discussion with regard to the forum.. it is only when i saw this drama being mention by a few others that it is a definitely under-rated drama that i started watching.. then i was blown away..

hello god deviates from ur normal girl-meet-boy or boy-meet-girl, fell in love, face obstacles, ovrcome it then happy/ sad ending..
it talks about how the life of a low IQ guy (Haru) has been transformed when he undergo a surgery and become a genius, from the confusion he initially went through to how he cope when ppl still view him with tinted lens to falling in love etc..

the three leads

Haru!! (acted by Yoo Gun) & Eun Hui (acted by Kim Ok Bin, cant believe she is only 19)

2nd male lead - Dr Park (acted by Lee Jong Hyuk, din like him at first but later he jus grew on me.. =D)

the story doesnt bore me a single bit.. im already hooked at e 1st episode.. usu e 1st episode is jus e intro and can be a bore.. however, the story already get quite intense here although it is a bit drama.. n forgettin to mention that seeing the megawatt smile of Haru make me weak =P then as the story unfolds, it is packed with substance with issues such as happiness, loving and caring for others being touched on and ques such as 'what do u want in life?', 'is smart necessarily good?' being explored.. simple but thought provoking..

there is no lack of touching moments as well, how the Haru and female lead trying their best to cheer each other up, how Haru use his intelligence and guts to help the female lead to pay her debt and using all his hard earn money to buy a house for her.. oh, so sweet.. i gave the script writers a thumb up for coming up with such good plot.. din realli like e ending though.. netizens say its a good ending but i find it quite sad..
SPOILER ALERT: which one do u prefer? ur lover died but he will forever live in ur heart or ur lover is still alive but he has completely forgotten about you and has now become an idoit?? i have this nagging feeling that e ending is the way it is cos the writers do not like to be accused of making the ending too sad/ simply unrealistic..

the cast

Rating: 8/10 (you must give it a try!!)

Credits: www.soompi.com & www.kbs.co.kr
Friday, July 21, 2006

life after internship..

working, slacking and shoppin simply sum up this week..

working? yes..
doin post-survey result analysis.. did my part then josh ask me to help him out on overall analysis.. when he sent e powerpoint slides over i nearly faint.. too mani info to crunch n digest!! poor josh, bet he must have went thro a fair bit of headache tabulating n calculating e % etc.. spent one wee morning to come out with hopefully reasonable analysis.. feels like free labour but i rather have no pay n e time to myself than to stuck at office.. hah..
die la, think my bio clock is almost tuned e wrong way.. n it seems like i cant realli tune it back..

has been an utter spendthirft these days..
dunno if its bcos i haven been shopping since holidays so e shopping urge in me jus erupted.. spend a whopping 250+ within 7 days, excluding food n transport cost.. satisfied around 99% of my wants.. =D BUT there goes my more than a month of tuition pay.. my frens say its okay to pamper myself/ reward myself once in a while esp since i haven realli have a good rest cum enjoying myself since hoiday (merely hav a 5 day break before i start my internship).. but was jus wondering did i spent too much.. those who know me well will know tt im not e type tt will realli spend on impulse.. tyical libra trait.. indecisive.. hence i surprise myself as well.. did i subconciously spent to vent my stress/ anger/ unhappiness?? hmm..

one piece of advice: NEVER shop in high heels.. due to both laziness and vanity, i have been wearing heels to shop on 2 occasions and at e end, i realli cant take it anymore.. finally know why some women argue tt shoppin is a good form of exercise... try doing tt in heels and u'll fully agree. haa..

have been shopping at bugis area all this while until i a bit scared now.. lol.. but it is realli a great place to shop!! bugis village and ICON will need at least a day to shop.. me n ning only manage to cover level 1 after close to 6 hrs of shopping @ bugis village.. hah.. then at ICON, me n amy spent too much time at an outlet.. happily trying out e clothes n chattin.. =D actually the clothes at ICON are more unique and cater to young adults.. simply luv some of the office wear there.. its so hard to resist e temptation, pity tt im not working now.. wonder why e ppl out there market ICON to be a teenager's place..

despite all e shopping, i have yet to finish buying my frens' birthday presents.. got 5 good frens having birthday this month! plus one more early next month.. faint.. until now only settle 3.. perhaps im not sharing 2 of my fren's presents liao.. super broke aft all e shopping.. then tt will left me with one more, which is also the most headache one.. cos he is a guy.. wah, fan ah.. super loss.. never like to buy gifts for guys in e 1st place, but still..

meet up with e interns for lunch today.. i can say its quite a last min thing so obviously someone cant make it.. busy guy, always have lunch date.. asking him out for grp lunch is usu a challenging task..
decide to surprise e perm staffs by going up to the office aft lunch.. n we went up by the most unconventional way.. hee.. n e rest of them sure got a shock.. heh.. FK kept wanting to know how we manage to come up, of course we told no one.. if not next time how to come up again rite?? lol..
anyway SN gave me some feedback n advice, realli grateful for tt.. he is jus like a big bro, taking this blur sotong under his care.. thanks! then FK trying to scandalise us when we were in e meeting room.. omg.. cannot, next time must make him e male lead.. ha.. then also have a good chat with PY, joking with FK.. haiz.. internship is over, time to look forward.. =)
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Weekend Special: Korean Actress - Ha Ji Won

Ha Ji Won - typical Korean beauty..
she first caught my eye when watching a rather old drama "Beautiful Life", by her and Kim Rae Won.. watched some of her later dramas eg 'Secret Lovers', 'Bali Story'..
she sure can act, a fine actress.. a lady with both beauty and skills.. envy..

Credits: www.soompi.com and many thanks to the members who uploaded her photos!!
Friday, July 14, 2006

last day..

has been rather busy to have any feelings with regard to leaving..
finally complete all e callings.. luck is finally on my side.. is it bcos today is fri = more relax day at work = more willing to take part in survey?? no matter what, at least i kept to my promise.. =D
but there is still mani things incomplete, either leaving it hanging in e air or throwing to others to do.. feel quite bad actualli.. its not as if the others are very free.. got quite a num of loose ends to tie up over the weekend even though i officially stop working today..

these 2 days have its moment of fun.. thurs went to swensen for lunch.. a long overdue lunch, i must say.. initially its supposed to be in june then something pops up at the last min.. things got on to a 'good' start when SN & XJ trail behind us and lost their way.. they only arrived after the rest of us were at swensens for a good ten min.. then rumours start spreading liao.. lol.. then there is also the joke about my calling & e drumlets.. then FK team up with Josh to 'bully' me, boo hoo.. =D
after lunch we actually walk back to office!! think kenneth initiated it.. but it is only then i realise that the town area can be so green n scenic and has a num of historial sites.. pass by the tan kim seng memorial, lim bo seng memorial, WWI memorial.. literally become an excursion trip.. haa.. in e end, we took a 2.5hr lunch.. =P

took a pic @ swensen.. =]

PY, me, Josh & SN =]

fri evening has department bowling event.. for me, its time for me to rekindle my sec sch fav sport.. its amazing that i did different sports in different stages of my school life.. sec sch is bowling, jc is pool then uni now is badminton.. hah.. in other words, i haven bowl in a long time liao so in order not to malu myself, me n zalifah went for a practice session on thurs nite.. think bowling is quite a easy game to learn n pick up.. zalifah improves rather fast n i get e tempo of e game..

e turn out of e event realli surprises me.. e male colleagues are really good!! got style n power.. dun play play leh.. n they still say they no good at bowling n ask in e first place if there is prize for worst player etc.. then i got my best score ever.. finally break e 100 barrier.. got 107.. think luck plays a big part.. never imagine i can get 2 strikes in a game.. but i can say i finally kind of know how to control the ball n use my style to my adv. yeah! then surprise came when i got e best female bowler!! really shock cos i thought there were others who did better than me.. hmm, somewhat boasted my confidence in bowling.. anyone onz for bowling?? =P

hmm, today marked the end of my internship.. no more waking up early and joining the morning mad hour rush.. but i will definitely miss the ppl (both perm staffs n interns) there!! my internship has been fun n enjoyable thanks to u all! =)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Last week of work

haven been bloggin for quite a while..
a brief update on the events..
sat nite - nice bbq.. heartwarming to see e econs ppl gathering.. we haven had a big-scale gathering since holidays.. and even though 2 of them are not present, it is nevertheless enjoyable.. we found one mashmallow expert, and tts sylvia!! dunno why her mashmallow can turn brown so fast whereas i nearly get bbqed n there is still no change in colour in mine..

ai xin mashmallow.. hah

gurl power!! =P

sun nite - Pele finally has his prediction correct.. lol.. but for those who bet tt Italy will win still lose $$ cos its a draw at 90th min.. the Zidane incident has caused quite a bit of uproar, a num of conspiracy theories has emerged ever since.. dunno how true is it though.. cos hardly watch Zidane play.. France is not exactly my fave team, neither is Italy.. dun realli like their style.. too fake and obsturct the flow of soccer by defensing too much.. wondering if ronaldo cristiano take a leaf from them.. hah...

mon - photo days.. took more intern photos =P

monday blues?? nah..

pretty gals..

then went to commencement.. took half day leave.. intend to shop for gifts before commencement but ended up as my personal shopping spree.. lol.. gals will always be gals.. at ucc, take photos until mouth pain.. heh.. cos smile until my smile appear super fake.. anyway when seeing my frens grad, 有点五味杂陈的感觉。。 会羡慕他们脱离考试的苦海,但其实社会大学也有其黑暗的一面。。

has been kept busy even though its my last week.. have been wrapping things up and calling ppl up.. yesh, phone survey again.. but lucky got josh helping out too.. initially PY wanted a total of 250 calls one, but considering e ultra poor response rate and e situation where josh will nid to call 150++ calls, she reduced to 150.. lucky.. but still its a tough job, esp when u only get 2 responses after making 25 calls..

meet up with amy & shop at bugis today.. bugis village has change quite a fair bit.. din hav enuff time to really shop ard.. someday must go down again.. n this time must realli shop.. have yet to shop till i drop in this great spore sale.. initially intend to shop @ HK one, but has to cancel last min.. *sad* so must make it up by shopping here.. hee..
well, finally bought gifts for my supervisors and the closer colleagues.. hope tt they will like it.. now need to wrap them up and start writing cards..
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekend Special: Korean Actor - So Ji Sup

One of my fave actors.. although he not consider the typical shuai type, he got his unique style and got character..
Credit: www.soompi.com and the members!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


most drama overnite ob i had in 5 yrs..
saw a gal jumping into e sea early this morning..
me n others were jus chatting when 2 gals n 1 guy came over and one of the gal was rather hysteria and quarreling with the guy.. dunno why they din choose a better spot.. there were at least 7 of us 1-2m from them only.. not wanting to poke our nose into other ppls' biz, we ignore them and continue chatting..
before i know it, i heard a gal scream and saw 2 instead of 3 ppl at e spot where they were standing..
first thought tt came to my mind, why did she jump there?? for goodness sake, she landed in between the sand & e waves... luckily e sand is soft due to the constant washing by the waves, but why cant she move 1m further and jump into e sea instead? at least the water can lessen e impact and she wont suffer face n leg injuries..
yong hui went down to help her before e ambulance came, and later she said the gal is drunk.. tt somewhat explains her behaviour..
but still thinking is it worth it to risk ur life for a guy who doesnt love u??
Thursday, July 06, 2006

busy day & interns potos!!

sidetrack a little first.. finally know the 'real' reason why Germany lose..
initially i thought its bcos of this strange 'curse' that Germany never win Italy in international matches..
but i thought Germany may have a chance to win if it can last for 120min cos Italy, jus like England, is super down on luck when it comes to penalty shootout..
then i jus realise before e match, our beloved soccer king Pele predicted that Germany will win... no wonder...
Pele oso predicted that Portugal will win France and wat's e result??
seriously wonder if there is such a thing called 'curse' or 乌鸦嘴。。。.
hmmm, will Pele predict the outcome of the finals?? if so, i'll go bet tt e other team will win.. lol..

after several days of delay, me n josh finally got the name list to call.. i ought to call today but my throat is worse than yesterday.. what e.. so perhaps call tml or mon liao.. feel quite bad, cos its supposed to be my job doing the calling then i 'pull' josh in.. now he has to make calls alone at least for today.. then he super reluctant to call, staring at e pc screen for close to 2 hr before finally picking up e phone.. i joked tt he got super high inertia.. understand how he feel but like wat SN say, dunno how to motivate him.. but later he become rather gungho liao.. haa..
n once again i had to say i realli appreciate josh's helpfulness.. fancy helpin me n others to bring down umbrella during lunch today.. hmm not sure e response of other guys when i pop e same ques to them..
n not jus this, he has practically become my editor liao.. i will confirm send my stuff to him for fine-tuning first before submitting to my supervisor.. n he oso help me in lotsa other stuffs.. realli owe him alot... thanks josh!! really..

even though i couldnt call due to my throat condition, im still kept busy.. went bugis today to get documents lah... how i wish i can shop there.. lol.. din realise i need to take close to 2.5 hrs to get this task done.. stupid photocopy machine... WOLS coach... but e ppl there are real helpful, thanks alicia & jeremy =) then filing and doing some admin work upon returning kept me occupied till 7.10pm... another OT... haiz...

anyway took some photos yesterday.. =D
but they din turn out so well..
oh well, post them up nevertheless.. heh..

hmm think we look too serious...


why e guys r so sianz??

must learn from us!!! =P
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

1.5 minutes...

1.5 minutes, 90 seconds... in such a short time, wat can u accomplish?? i guess for most ppl, we most prob waste or slack it away...
but it actually sent a country's ppl in high spirits while bringin another country's ppl to tears...
yesh, its e germany vs italy semi finals..
i couldnt believe my eyes... all along i thought e match will drag into penalty shootout but seriously, anything is possible in this world..

IMO, nothing can stir as much interest and passion from the world than the FIFA world cup. and there can never have starker constrast than wat happen in the stadium... when e match is over, there will be one jubilant side and the other heartbroken... perhaps not so in the group stage, but when it comes to the knockout stage when e stake is much much higher, everyone literally have their hearts in their throats and tts when one can see two extreme side of human emotions..

其实胜败乃是兵家常事, 正所谓胜不骄败不馁,失败是成功之母,不要放弃,下次再接再厉。 但是很不幸的,人生其实没有很多,甚至下一次的机会。例如这四年才一次的世界杯, 错过了这次,真不知四年后会是怎样的情况。或许因伤而不得不退出比赛, 又或许岁月不饶人, 自己体力已每况愈下, 过了高峰期而不被入选国家队。而且就算自己很努力,但也得看天时地利人和。。足球毕竟是团体运动,队员间的合作与默契通常是胜利的关键,一个小小的失误可能得付出不小的代价, 所以有时只能祈求对手出现失误或表现不稳定。。

很多时候,机会只出现在那一瞬间,稍纵即逝。。 怎样把握良机是一门大学问。有些人可能已掌握其中窍门,有些人却穷尽一生精力却不得其门而入。。 有许多机会就是因为不懂得把握而流逝。也正因为如此,人生才会有遗憾,才会有“后悔莫及”, “早知如此, 何必当初”,“如果时间能倒转。。”等成语/俗语/词语诞生。

Monday, July 03, 2006


shd have seen it coming..
my throat has been rather funny since last wk..
dunno which is e cause.. e lack of water or lack of sleep..
but u can say i deserve e state im in now..
when my throat first show signs of uncomfort on wed, i still go to eat e nasi lemak.. but cant blame me, i super gian abt it n its not everyday i go tanjong pagar.. lol..
then fri we e interns ate KFC.. also no choice, it has already been set..
come sat went ktv with e econs frens.. tts e last straw for my throat.. but cant help it.. i realli miss ktv.. heh..
still give tuition on sun.. faint..
whats done cant be undone..
what i can do now is to prevent it evolving into fever..
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weekend Special: World Cup 帅哥

Lampard (England)

Beckham (England)
(What can i say? this post will be incomplete without him)

Kaka!! (Brazil) (too bad he is already taken..)

C. Ronaldo (Portuagal)

Nedved (Czech Republic)

Klose (Germany) (not exactly shuai but like his skills)

Ricardo (Portugal) (not shuai but my ideal 'men shen' =P)

Robin van Persie (Netherland) (not exactly shuai but one of my faves)


din intend to blog abt personal stuffs during weekends but aft watching the world cup, jus has the urge to pen down my thoughts..
the teams i support are now being sent home.. First Argentina, then England, finally Brazil.. WTH!! there goes my prediction.. i never expected the top 4 teams to consist of european teams only and teams that i dismiss at the first thought of them.. new world order or simply e world cup realli favours the countries in the same contient as the organising country?

anyway Ricardo, the goalkeeper from Portugal is now 我心目中的门神, after Oliver Khan.. he is really power.. he predicted accurately the direction of the penalty shoot of all england players!!! what's e probability of that?? its just tt the penalty shoot by Owen Hargreaves is too fast for him to stop the ball.. omg, 名副其实的门神。。。

also noticed several funny moments during the matches...
at one of the matches (cant rem the teams), one player was running with the ball when he suddenly tripped and fell. when he fell, he had physical contact with the referee who is right beside him.. for the next 15s or so, when the camera is focused on the referee, the referee is trying to contain the laughter... me n my sis laugh until our tummy hurts when we saw e scene.. hee..

another one happen at e england vs portugal match.. during one moment we saw a portugal player laying on the field then we wondered what happened, who committed a foul etc.. when the replay is shown, it showed that this beloved portugal player kind of ran straight into Crouch who is with the ball in an attempt to steal away the ball. with Crouch standing at 198cm and his right hand obviously elevated somewhat (who will place his/her right hand at e side when you have the soccer ball with you?!?), Crouch's right hand 'hit' this portugal player who is somewhat shorter when he is running towards Crouch.. me n my sis spent a good minute or two laughing our hearts out.. quote what my friend say, this player is literally 'running into a tree in order to get an apple'

looks like soccer do have its own light hearted moments too.. must thank the players for providing such entertainment and break away from the high tension.. lol.. =P