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Thursday, July 06, 2006

busy day & interns potos!!

sidetrack a little first.. finally know the 'real' reason why Germany lose..
initially i thought its bcos of this strange 'curse' that Germany never win Italy in international matches..
but i thought Germany may have a chance to win if it can last for 120min cos Italy, jus like England, is super down on luck when it comes to penalty shootout..
then i jus realise before e match, our beloved soccer king Pele predicted that Germany will win... no wonder...
Pele oso predicted that Portugal will win France and wat's e result??
seriously wonder if there is such a thing called 'curse' or 乌鸦嘴。。。.
hmmm, will Pele predict the outcome of the finals?? if so, i'll go bet tt e other team will win.. lol..

after several days of delay, me n josh finally got the name list to call.. i ought to call today but my throat is worse than yesterday.. what e.. so perhaps call tml or mon liao.. feel quite bad, cos its supposed to be my job doing the calling then i 'pull' josh in.. now he has to make calls alone at least for today.. then he super reluctant to call, staring at e pc screen for close to 2 hr before finally picking up e phone.. i joked tt he got super high inertia.. understand how he feel but like wat SN say, dunno how to motivate him.. but later he become rather gungho liao.. haa..
n once again i had to say i realli appreciate josh's helpfulness.. fancy helpin me n others to bring down umbrella during lunch today.. hmm not sure e response of other guys when i pop e same ques to them..
n not jus this, he has practically become my editor liao.. i will confirm send my stuff to him for fine-tuning first before submitting to my supervisor.. n he oso help me in lotsa other stuffs.. realli owe him alot... thanks josh!! really..

even though i couldnt call due to my throat condition, im still kept busy.. went bugis today to get documents lah... how i wish i can shop there.. lol.. din realise i need to take close to 2.5 hrs to get this task done.. stupid photocopy machine... WOLS coach... but e ppl there are real helpful, thanks alicia & jeremy =) then filing and doing some admin work upon returning kept me occupied till 7.10pm... another OT... haiz...

anyway took some photos yesterday.. =D
but they din turn out so well..
oh well, post them up nevertheless.. heh..

hmm think we look too serious...


why e guys r so sianz??

must learn from us!!! =P