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hazeynut @blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

1.5 minutes...

1.5 minutes, 90 seconds... in such a short time, wat can u accomplish?? i guess for most ppl, we most prob waste or slack it away...
but it actually sent a country's ppl in high spirits while bringin another country's ppl to tears...
yesh, its e germany vs italy semi finals..
i couldnt believe my eyes... all along i thought e match will drag into penalty shootout but seriously, anything is possible in this world..

IMO, nothing can stir as much interest and passion from the world than the FIFA world cup. and there can never have starker constrast than wat happen in the stadium... when e match is over, there will be one jubilant side and the other heartbroken... perhaps not so in the group stage, but when it comes to the knockout stage when e stake is much much higher, everyone literally have their hearts in their throats and tts when one can see two extreme side of human emotions..

其实胜败乃是兵家常事, 正所谓胜不骄败不馁,失败是成功之母,不要放弃,下次再接再厉。 但是很不幸的,人生其实没有很多,甚至下一次的机会。例如这四年才一次的世界杯, 错过了这次,真不知四年后会是怎样的情况。或许因伤而不得不退出比赛, 又或许岁月不饶人, 自己体力已每况愈下, 过了高峰期而不被入选国家队。而且就算自己很努力,但也得看天时地利人和。。足球毕竟是团体运动,队员间的合作与默契通常是胜利的关键,一个小小的失误可能得付出不小的代价, 所以有时只能祈求对手出现失误或表现不稳定。。

很多时候,机会只出现在那一瞬间,稍纵即逝。。 怎样把握良机是一门大学问。有些人可能已掌握其中窍门,有些人却穷尽一生精力却不得其门而入。。 有许多机会就是因为不懂得把握而流逝。也正因为如此,人生才会有遗憾,才会有“后悔莫及”, “早知如此, 何必当初”,“如果时间能倒转。。”等成语/俗语/词语诞生。
