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Sunday, February 12, 2012

the shocking news of corruption involving 2 ex high level/senior civil servants (who are also govt scholars so does scholars = 人才??) has just barely died down, another wave cant wait to take over to continue hogging the headlines...

this time round, it involves prostitution and a ex principal of a famous school.. >.<

im quite surprised to learn tt these ppl were being invited to drink coffee cuz e police busted some online prostitution groups and among the evidences are lists of customers' names..
call me naive but i thought prostitution process is e guy gives e girl money, perform e act and go off?? since when there is 'registration'?!?
& even with registration, some guys are willing to be registered?!?
isnt that akin to leaving ur NRIC behind e crime scene after commiting a crime??!!
even if it is not a criminal offence to visit prostitute, isn't it also a concrete evidence of infidelity??
all i can say is either they are too naive/confident or they were registered unknowingly

back to e ex principal..
on moral grounds, this ex principal who is supposed to be a role model for the younger generation ought to be reprimanded/sanctioned.. esp when he is a married man..

however instead of just punishing/criticising the guy, it is can actually be interesting to look at things from another aspect..
this topic was briefly brought up by a fren during a gathering some time back and tho it can be controversial, it did shed some light from another angle

since prostitution is a grey issue in sg (sg didnt legally ban it and there is e famous red-light district call Geylang), is it wrong (other than morally wrong) to get paid sex??

if a guy's partner doesn't like sex/have low sex drive etc, is it wrong for a guy to go for paid sex??

before all e moralist condemn me, i think it is impt to look at some facts..

for females, sex is an emotional need (some wld argue it is a 'want' rather than a 'need')..
it is a outcome/result of love..
that's why most females will only mate with someone she has romantic feelings for
hence put it very simply, females can live without sex

for males, sex is a physical need.
like it or not, due to e higher testosterone level in males, it means males usu hav a stronger need of sex than females.
hence males can/are able to separate sex from love
though they can control e sexual urge, it takes quite a fair bit of discipline so i believe quite a num cant do it successfully
DISCLAIMER: im not a guy so do correct me if e above view is incorrect

this is where e disparities lies in and hence why prostitution is one of the oldest 'industry' and still surviving

back to the qns, my personal view is that much as i want guys to be loyal (both mental and physical) to their partners, i can close one eye on guys going for paid sex IF the guy's partner is 性冷感 + other forms of sex can't satisfy him + he can't control e sexual urge anymore

notice that it is quite a num of conditions put into an 'IF' and it only applies to attached/married guys..

for those single and available guys, i wont condone sex whether paid or free..
just as single and available girls are expected to behave, i expect e same for the single and available guys..

not a one-night-stand/sex-in-e-name-of-fun-or-thrill supporter

i believe that sex is best enjoyed between couples, so for those without a partner, be more patient..
only when experiencing it with your partner can e greatest satisfaction be derived.

with that, it brings me to another taboo qn..

what are the reasons behind some females' low sex drive besides biological reason?

somehow i believe that e notion that sex is solely for reproduction purpose and that sex is a dirty/shameful act plays a big role..

for e first notion, i will say it depends on how one looks at things..
if one feel anything to be a chore, one wont be interested to do it mah.. isn't it??
think positive!!

for e next perception, it really puzzles me..
all of us are products of sex so if one feels shameful of sex, why isnt e same person shameful of himself/herself and/or his/her presence in this world??
sex is a normal part of life!!
yes, we dont need to glamourise sex..
BUT on the other hand, do we need to penalise sex/put sex in such a bad light??
& i hate it all e more when this perception is enforced by parents to just the daughters only & not e sons!!!
so unfair!!

probably enough discussion on e topic of sex..
lets move on to more '正經' matter

this episode makes me wonder if the civil service/govt as clean/upright as it claims??

is it pure coincidence that all these negative news regarding civil servants were reported within a short span of time??
or are there more serious underlying problems??

moving forward, is there any reflection and/or rethinking done by e relevant authorities??
have they thought of how to restore e now-tarnished reputation??