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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Food For Thought







  自学的问题是我弹吉他的铭心经历。三年依书摸索,怡然自得,直到跟随老师学习,方知有多处基本方法错误,须一一纠正 (试想象练习了三年的错误有多难纠正)。这不是书本的事,而是看书者理解不足却又无人指出。



  由于西文与英文都用拉丁字母,我们在这方面算是有点基础,但得注意两者发音上的差异。比如男子名叫José的,不读“祖斯”读“荷西”,因为J是h音,而e上面有一撇表示重音。又如“请求”por favor,不念“婆发坲”,而念“婆发波”,因为“v”乃“b”音。想起自学西语时有盲点,不知v是这么个读法,到西国旅行到处说“婆发坲”,真汗颜。

  将西文和英文比较,西文某些地方显得复杂。比方说代词吧。英文的I,you,he,she,西文有相应的yo,tú,él,ella。英文he与she的复数为they,而西文根据性别分ellos和ellas。这就像华文的“他们”(男女混杂或纯男性)与“她们”(纯女性)。但西文更上一层楼,连“我们”,“你们”也分性别,分别为nosotros/nosotras 和vosotros/vosotras。



  看官读到此处,也许已不耐烦:本文题为“妹妹发烧”,妹妹直到现在还不出场,岂不离题万丈?原来“妹妹发烧”是笔者为西班牙词语muy muy fácil(意思为“十分容易”)所作粤语注音。每当上课学生觉得西语某些地方很困难时,我们那位可爱的老师就会摇摇头,面带笑容地说“发烧,发烧,妹妹发烧!”



haha, was just talking about e difficulty of learning French with my frens during a gathering yesterday and we were joking tt perhaps Dear shd focus his efforts and learn Mandarin from me since it doesnt have complicated verbs/adjectives as well as simpler grammar rules..

now this article gives me second thoughts about learning Spanish.. ;p

tt said, learning any language is hard..
& it doesnt help when some of the rules of languages are weird/illogical
plus e fact tt ppl tend learn one language while using another language as a base and therein comes e comparison..

personally i do think that languages are actually quite fair
there are certainly some parts which are difficult/tough/challenging to learn but it is being 'compensated' by other aspects which are simpler/easier..
Eg the Mandarin characters can be a nightmare to remember and to write but Mandarin does not have complicated grammar rules as seen in European languages

hence i feel that it is really one's attitude/willingness towards learning a language tt determines the outcome

& one shd really start learning a language as early as possible..
just read one article recently tt kids who know more than 2 languages perform better in some experiments and that the golden age of learning is before 6..
so i really hope Sg parents can stop speaking Singlish to their kids.. it will only do more harm than good.. might as well speak the language you are most proficient at..

hmmm then should i go learn Spanish or not?? =D