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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dear dear goes back to Toronto le..

Leaving is always so hard... ='(

but at least deep down inside our hearts, we know we both want this and will make this work

this trip further reaffirms that we will want to be together for long

i dont believe there is such a thing as the perfect half or the only one.
cuz no one is perfect
plus there is bound to be friction when 2 ppl comes together and get along.
even e best of frens also disagree lor..

it is more so who is the one suitable for you
& my feel does tell me he is my right one

Monday, August 29, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Had our early anniversary dinner
& Sg do have quite a number of nice places to go!
has never been disappointed with Dear's selection.
really thankful he didn't forget and made the effort :)

i really cant fault him
don't think i can find another great guy like him who can dotes on me more than him
must really thank fate for bringing us together

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Food For Thought















Thursday, August 25, 2011

more wedding invites..
all chionging for dragon babies??

& more and more of my frens expecting my red bomb coming their way

i will say my heart has make a decision

but right now i need to engage my 師傅們 to teach me their 獨門秘籍。。。。

Monday, August 22, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear dear is in Sg!! ^_^
finally after all this while...

the feeling is just so right

now the main hurdle is my family...

& seems like i still got alot to work on my stamina..
despite all e walking etc, my legs still strain like hell after running..
還是該說我是被骗的 =p
i also did surprise myself at the 2nd half of e run..
my 2nd half is much better.. hmmm
due to a good foundation laid by my JC PE teachers?
shd i challenge myself for the 10km runs??
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Food For Thought



















Thursday, August 18, 2011

despite all the public bashing of the transport system, I must say I myself did see some improvement on their part.
during the evening peak hour, the frequency is really not bad.. for the past 2 weeks or so, saw 4 other trains going towards Jurong East while on my walk back to home from the mrt and e dist is at most a 8 min walk

furthermore, e much grieved-about 'blackhole' regions have been rectified!!
i can now talk throughout my train ride to town without being disconnected :)

does that justify a fare increment? not necessarily

ah well, but what can we do?

i just hope they can at least fasten up the change/improvement

afterall, change is the only constant in life.
ain't it?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

has spore become less safe?
from body(ies) found in water tank to reservoir/river to parks and now to just around Istana!!
& all in e span of a few months!!
as a saying goes '死了都没有人知道'

*shudder down my spine*

& one more shocking news is the purchase of Motorola by Google.
US$12.5 billion (approx S$15 bil) in cash!!!
first thought is why buy Motorola? cuz it can be considered a 'sun-set' company..
but then taken into consideration that companies that are doing well are of course unwilling to be kenna taken over, e decision is understandable.. 'easy' target.. =D
can i foresee a all out battle between Apple and Google next??
how will it change e handphone market??
Monday, August 15, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, August 14, 2011

frankly after listening to the Rally, PM did not really offer solutions that tackle e roots of the problems.
one obvious case is HDB flats.
what e sg population wants to see is lower prices but will the new rules change it?

& right until now, im still baffled why e gahmen keep focusing on "Singaporeans First" when shdn't it be the case right from the start?
This is SINGAPORE leh.. *duh*
which country ever put foreigners first one? even if they did, they will be ousted by the next election.

one thing that irks me further is e comment of 'cant be helped'..
i know sg is a small country with people as her only natural resources and singaporeans are not producing enough so... blah blah blah..
BUT i bet the question in most sg ppl mind is 'but do we need that MANY foreigners in the first place?'
esp when, i recall i did point out before, even the frontline/admin/sales staffs are foreigners!!! can anyone tell me in any way are they 'talents'? do they have skills that singaporeans lack such that we got NO ALTERNATIVE but DIE DIE HAVE to employ them?
one thing i have to give it to LHL..
he did the right thing by setting expectations right for e ppl..
the harsh reality right now is the world is flat.. MNCs can choose wherever they like to go so if they cant get e ppl they want here, they can simply choose not to come here or pack up & leave..

& Dear may be impacted from the tighter employment pass criteria... =(
guess we just need to await more details..
somehow our path is just not shun....

Food For Thought











  那晚在怡丰城看完电影后,到水边的餐馆用餐,隔海遥望圣淘沙的缤纷华彩,心情美丽静好。想到昨晚刚在北岸的三巴旺海边吃海鲜,在淳朴乡野情趣的徜徉里,咀嚼小岛历史的嬗变,此刻却在南部的滨海堤岸,美食当前,看尽花花世界的繁华灯火,水光灯影里感觉简单的富足和喜乐。 前者有岛国前世的遗赠,后者是变幻莫测的今生,它们的命运同样与海水有关,是我们成长生命不可分割的一部分。


Friday, August 12, 2011

first overnight of e year later..
& e weather is so hot today which spells good for the sky condition at night =)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

wow, a fire broke out at the building nearby..
& e fire is big..
first time i heard of a fire breaking out in CBD & with me seeing it with my own eyes!!
i hope no one is hurt...
but i must say somehow the police and firemen do not seem to be doing a good job..
i don't feel the sense of urgency & crisis.
or perhaps i watch too much TVB drama liao?

Monday, August 08, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, August 07, 2011

some personal observation...

its not just the younger generations that like/love bags..
even the aunties which are my mum's age are carrying various kind of branded
& i actually thought that they are the more thrifty ones who tend to frown upon the spendthrift way of us..
or perhaps their children bought for them?
or can the bags be fake?

though im no guru to be able to tell the authentic ones apart immediately, i now can tell the different brands apart by looking at the signature/distinct styles
& having seeing my fair share of bags, there's no 'one size fits all'
hence that is where i struggled to understand why people don't really how to match their clothes and bags well..
worse still, dont really dress well & carry a branded bag perhaps in the hope to elevate the overall impression it gives to ppl..
& they are ppl of my age *face palm*
somehow im interested in going back to substantiate one 'theory' me & some of my frens came out with several years ago..
not meant to be degrading but somehow im confused by what i saw..

another thing i noticed is that ppl tend to carry bags the 'incorrect' way. whenever there's a zip pocket at e back of e bag, there is a tendency for the 'aunties' to just make this side the front side. didn't they know that the zip pocket is to make things more discreet and 'elegant'. furthermore by carrying bags this way, it totally spoils the design of e bags..
no wonder why we got labelled as a poorer cousin in terms of fashion sense within Asia

Food For Thought







   好像奥巴马夫妇对英国进行国事访问,米歇尔实在抢镜,她和新王妃的pk,成了街头巷尾的议题和焦点。代表国家形象,第一夫人带着幕后“造型梦支队”,包 括自己的私人导购,她的主要工作就是确保米歇尔每次正式亮相的着装都能“既合乎场合又价格公道”(第一夫人的着装都是自掏腰包的),而发型和化妆师也要有 一套“十分钟完美妆容”方案。所以尽管米歇尔既不年轻也不算标志,却毫不逊色于凯特王妃。这样的历史性会晤养眼生动,让各国媒体好不兴奋,各种正统和花边 专集新闻层出不穷。给自己抹点蜜糖,因为喜欢第一夫人,所以喜欢总统,所以喜欢国家,是这样吗?



   相貌可以说是演艺界的人,最直接的蜜糖。“在好莱坞这样一个城市,你是否能在这里混下去完全取决于你的长相。”资深经纪人这么说。在这个地方,被常人视 为隐私的那些事情,统统不是秘密。在整容医生眼里,从玛丽莲梦露到布莱德毕必特,个个都不是原装产品。谁打过肉毒杆菌,谁整过下巴,谁正在拉皮,都是好莱 坞最深最黑的秘密。

   走火入魔的例子,从东方到西方,艺人因整容而死在手术台上的事件时有发生。但这又何妨,据说奥斯卡颁奖礼来临前, 名整容医生的时间最紧张,这种集体狂热会达到顶峰,明星们都竭尽所能让自己看起来让人愉悦些。为什么?为了美丽,为了在红地毯上取悦镜头,取悦导演,让自 己再卖个好身价,所以要尽可能地美些,更美些。

整容其实并不值得讨论,“身体发肤,受之父母”那一套,已然陈旧,以外科手术尚未出现时候的见识限定现今的人类行为,非常不智。如果说这一代的明星比上一 代的明星更幸运的是什么,那就是医疗技术的进步,你不太可能有塌陷的鼻子。遗憾的是,我们整容后的明星,一律拥有尖得能戳死人的下巴,削得过分平的颌骨, 类似的眼睛,毫无差别的鼻梁。所有的人看起来很类似,他们肯定不是同一对父母生的,但他们一定是同一个时代的整容潮流的产物。

  设计师友人明天要 见客户做提案汇报,问我黑皮鞋好还是深红色的皮鞋好。一定要在意自己的仪表,否则客户会质疑你是否能设计出好东西……抹点蜜糖,公关之术!   有生的日 子,我们总要设法取悦别人。所以伊能静要继续闪烁少女般纯真的眼神,选秀节目的评委要恶毒得像个老巫婆,专栏作家要有金句,要引起人的注意。每个人都要抹 点蜜糖,等待被需要被接受。


Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Dear is relocating here! (^^,)

Time to do my part as his girl

Monday, August 01, 2011

Musical Monday