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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

jialat, realise i took too mani photos in HK until i veri lazy to choose e better ones to upload...

on e contrary, i'm done with e Tioman ones..

but i find it too much a chore to upload the same things on both sides so whoever is interested in looking at the Tioman album pls go to this link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.203136306390755.46720.100000831617636&l=cca37ccac5

& here is a summary of what happen during e trip

Day 1: Got a room in poor condition and found out we (e whole grp) is in a way conned by e agent. After requesting strongly to change e room, the bathroom is still *faceplam* cuz 1.bathroom room can't even close properly, 2.the shower heater is faulty, 3.no toilet paper is provided and 4.there's not even a hanger in the bathroom to hang our towels & clothes (used & new) etc.

Day 2: Duty free shop ran out of stock for quite a number of alcohol =.='' & the restocking time is actually later in the afternoon... urrgghh...
Thereafter at Renggis Island, the coral reefs are slowing dying, the colour is not as vibrant anymore and there aren't as mnay fishes as it was 2 years back..

The only consolation for the whole day is probably i saw a shark while snorkeling =P

Day 3: the heavy downpour in e morning disrupts my intended plan of trekking full day.. =(
then decided to join a grp of Malays who are learning Chinese under the invite of another resort lady boss who then subsequently treated us to lunch.
They are also friendly enough to volunteer to be our tourguides to the waterfall which is quite a sight cuz of more water due to the rain!!

upon returning to the village, the lady boss invited us (me & ning) to attend the BBQ later in the night..
she is also kind enough to allocate a room in her resort to us when our room's water supply got cut off due to the all day long rain
but just when I was about to go bathe, the electricity got cut off too so i ended up placing the old style kerosine lamp (battery operated) in the bathroom so i can start showering..
somehow i still remain unlucky as i realise the water is muddy!! so i found myself stuck in the bathroom waiting to get clearer water to wash my hair and face. wat an 'adventure'

BUT the BBQ is superb!! we were treated to plates of fish, clayfish, tiger prawns, lobsters, crabs. The lady boss also grilled chicken wings and cooked rice + noodles to go with the food and make delicious desserts too!
definitely my heartiest meal during this trip and after HK =)
& one guy is gentleman enough to help me crack the crab so i can eat the flesh.. hee

that wraps up this trip..
the last day was spent having breakfast and packing and the water supply is cut off again..
another big disappointment is i cant get to see enough stars throughout the 3 nights!!!
the sky never seems to clear.. =(

overall this trip has more bad than good...

To give credit to the village, the scenery is beautiful and the people are friendly but the room condition did dampen things a fair bit..

but at least the magnitude of the good tilt the balance to me enjoying the people, the BBQ and the scenery..