in e end still end up going to HK next mth..
agreed to 2 trips in 3 days~~
i must be out of my mind....
& right now with PAP introducing new candidates, right now e focus is on e 27 year old Ms Tin..
wat i cant help noticing is how e media emphasizes on her marriage.
from e feminist point of view, why shd a woman be linked to her man? why can't women be independent successful parties?? surely there are other things to focus on...
from e cynical point of view, is that how she got in?? why marry such an older guy??
she is about my age & i can't imagine being with a 40 yo man..
6 years older & i can alr feel some existing gap, what more is double of tt difference??
will i support her??
some of her comments are rather facepalm leh..
showing e worth before moving to parliament or going to parliament to prove e worth?? hmmm
another thing which i notice abt e candidates is how quite a number of them tend to emphasize that they came from humble backgrounds...
trying to connect to e ground??
& so what if they are not born with a silver spoon when they are born/while growing up??
most singaporeans are anyway, what's so special??
& there is also this term call 忘本。。。。
somehow my cynical mind is at work again & think tt e more one emphasises on a particular aspect, e more ulterior motive one has...