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Friday, April 30, 2010

damn hot weather..
& rain din even help a single bit to cool it off... zzz...

also seriously dunno wat happen to me these days..
first diarrhea then fever then now diarrhea =.="
but e food i ate realli veri normal leh.. sian 1/2

then i got tempted with more shopping..
John Little jus sent me a brochure for their cardmember preview sale next week..
not onli that, i alr got a fren in USA and another going Taiwan soon..
both alr asked me wat to buy & i hav no idea cos hav been shopping quite a bit recently..
hmm perhaps getting OPI or VS? =P
then taiwan e clothes n shoes r realli cheap lah but cant realli ask fren to help u buy leh..

then saw on e news that jetstar flying to Japan!! yay~
wonder how cheap will e tix be?
n maybe next time can also go taipei shop for a few days first before heading back to spore since e flight will be transiting at taipei =P

& world cup issue is still not resolved?!?
heard dunno how mani times tt e telco com hav clinched e deal liao but all turns out to be untrue.. diaoz..
shd i blame e reporters for giving e false alarm?
& where is e efficiency tt spore is well known to be man??
anyway with e internet so advanced nowadays i dun think e net savvy ppl with bother ba..
cos can watch online for free, jus tt perhaps e resolution is not as great..

lastly, read tt e greece issue is still in tatters..
& it is resulting in some domino effect..
must admit tt i din realli read up on e Eurozone
but e seriousness of e prob kinda amazes me..
cos which country dun hav public debt??
even spore who is known for her prudent measures also got 20-30% of GDP as debt..
then Japan which has more than 200% GDP as debt is still surviving okay
how come its e European countries tt are affected most?
is e Euro the catalyst??
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

so aliens do exist afterall??
does it also mean tt e gahmen ard e world has been deceiving e ppl over e yrs?
now it brings e ques of how much more tt we do not know??
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

didi went to tekong liao..
until now we haven play a game of MJ.. pai seh..
will try to organise one aft 13 May k?

& jus when im starting to miss ktv, someone organise one liao.. hehe..
but dunno most of those who are attending.. hmmm..

then these days FB lag like siao.. sianz..
& i find myself cant stop playing e games.. jialat..
well like wat one of my fren say, tts wat makes FB so popular
& i also like to comment on others status update but somehow when it comes to myself, i dun realli wanna do status update n upload photos..
dunno why..
somehow still prefer blog..
even though both are online tools, guess blog gives me this feeling of more privacy ba..
& realise its my blog 4th anniversary liao.. lolz
will continue to blog as long as i can cos its an avenue for me to practise my writing skills and also to air my views/thought, let my emotions flow instead of bottling up..
Monday, April 26, 2010

Musical Monday


买CD 把你的声音丢在角落
看电影 到结局总是配角的错
你要的故事 让你去说
我要的生活 我好好过

写日记 写不出是谁的感受
夜空里 每个人占有一个星座
你到底懂不懂 我只要一点温热的触碰

有些话 并不是 一定要说

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

一场雨 有时候下得不是时候
就像你 说难过不是真的难过
你到底懂不懂 我只要一个安稳的等候

想你想得好像 空气都停了

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

Saturday, April 24, 2010

why is Motorola Milestone onli exclusive to Starhub?!? urrghhh..

tts e onli phone i like apart from E72 and HTC HD mini..

shd i get a phone tt i dun realli like or shd i wait??

& seems like e weightage of MT in PSLE has created quite some response in both FB and forum..
some of my frens are even disillusioned by e announcement..
then MOE also got announced they are trying to refine e admission of top schools that favours those with strong MT abilities..
but i jus thinking how good can one be when e general standard is lowered considerably??

even though i consider my chinese standard to be good and to some of my frens, superb, i still think im no match for e taiwanese..
much less the Chinese in China..
i rem one essay written by a PRIMARY SCHOOL student alr 讓我汗顔 lor..

let's see how things goes ba..

then finally started watching 敗犬女王 on channel U..
one of e few times i catch a drama on TV..
quite good until now..
particularly like this 臺詞: 讓心感受一下, 就會知道他是不是那個人。。。
& 阮經天 is still as dashing!!
got looks, got height, got body.. =P
so trying to search for online sources..
but right now Tudou either something wrong or kena by e authorities liao *sob sob*
got any other recommended sites??
& hoping that e drama wont turn to be as lame as 命中注定我愛你

Food For Thought








  对于 “定数”也许有人不以为然,或者讥之为宿命观。其实所谓的先天性,某种古老说法是过去世“业力”的总称,它潜伏在“第八识”当中“与生俱来”,称之为无明。


  生命则是名色(精神与物质)的复合体,“识”则是精神活动,当肉体不存在时,“识”继续以一种能量形态存在重新入胎。这个“第八识”与一般所说的“六识” (眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)并不相同。




Thursday, April 22, 2010

had one of e weirdest dream in a while..

& i dun think its 日有所思, 夜有所夢 this time round..
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

realise its been more than a month since i went Bintan but until now i haven upload e Bintan photos..
be it here or FB..
guess cos its too mani + laziness..
think forget it..
100++ photos also dunno upload until when..
e Taiwan photos alr veri good experience liao

anyway 3 news caught my eye today..

1st its the supposedly prototype iphone 4GS..
frankly speaking, the exterior looks so dull..
dun realli understand why it cause such a big stir..
perhaps im realli not a fan of Apple =P

next its e transport fare..
seriously dunno e reporter sugarcoating or e PTC misleading..
cos upon further reading, e fare actualli increase!! *the*
& still dare to say 2/3 pay lesser fare..
also in e first place got 2/3 of e passengers make a transfer meh?
perhaps they dun dare to say fare is increasing as e economy is jus recovering? think 2002...

finally its with regard to the proposed downward adjustment of e weightage of MT in PSLE..
is it jus me or is MOE giving in to some kind of pressure?
on e one hand, saying chinese is impt to connect with china, hence we hav e urgent nid to groom bi-cultural ppl to act as e connecting bridge..
then now this?

PSLE leh, where all students built their foundation..
if even in PSLE e weightage is reduced, wat will e parents n student perceive?

me n some frens were already mentioning that somehow e youngsters (born in 1990s) these days already dun hav a good grasp of Chinese liao n its also not as if their Eng is zai..
surely e MOE shd hav better foresight than me n din wan S'pore to realli become a Singlish society?
then why still even float out this thought?!

yes, one may argue tt times hav changed and now e majority of students speak English at home..
BUT how mani actualli speak ENGLISH and not SINGLISH at home?!?

i alr lost count on e num of occasions tt i cling at e deplorable std of english spoken by parents to their kids..
i cant help but wonder why dun they speak Mandarin instead.
surely e child can benefit more?
& if tt is called eng then i seriously thinking of migrating to other places if i hav kids later on in life liao..
cant realli imagine e youngsters now who become grown up later on to teach my future kids (if any) on language

even at forum, some students also mention tt MOE shdn't jus decrease e std jus as to cater to e few who experience difficulty..
cos making something easier wont make a person who dislike it to like it more..
& furthermore, e rest of e students lost out from having e chance to learning more

realli hope MOE will bother to listen from e horses mouth before any decision..
Monday, April 19, 2010

circle line new stations open le!
finally now shorter journey for me if i wanna go old airport road food centre liao! lolz

now that there are more train stations at city hall area, is it better to take circle line to go Suntec/Esplanade/National Lib or still take to city hall then walk?

one thing i dun like abt transfer is e dist tt i nid to walk between platforms and e additional waiting time..

any kind soul who try out le then tell me? =P

one more thing, until now i still dunno whether to buy Youth Olympic tix!
wanna buy since its first launch but lazy me always procrastinate..
but dunno which sport event to buy leh..
any recommendation and khaki tt can accompany me?

finally guess news of e week shd be e iceland volcano liao..
seems like my geo knowledge not tt qiang afterall..
cos i din know Iceland got so mani volcanoes.. onli know e Ring of Fire..
& also thought that Iceland quite isolated from the continental Europe
so is it situated nearer than i thought or e ash is too much or e wind too strong liao?

& luckily e volcanoes in Indonesia are not as power..
if not spore cfm dunno how mani times more cham than Europe now

Musical Monday

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Food For Thought

开始懂了 ——爱别离













  我理直气壮地抗议:“不是啦。既然不是别人,而是自己的老公,哪能将之定义为‘麻烦’呢!” 别离的度量单位不是时间的长短,而是牵念的深度。别离是短暂、长久或永远的,我们无从知晓,你的一声“再见”,你的挥手道别,你的转身离去,都无法在时空里定格,亦无法追溯或挽留。

  在《红楼梦》里,宝玉喜聚不喜散,黛玉却喜散不喜聚。两人观念不同,相同的是滚滚红尘里身不由己的命中布局 ——爱别离。爱别离是佛教所云的人生八苦之一,佛曰:“爱别离,怨憎会,撒手西归,全无是类。不过是满眼空花,一片虚幻。”





  飞离赫尔辛基之际,我看到一个竖立的机场方位图表标示着“Reason to fly”。撇开它的字面意义,我将之另外诠释为“爱——别离的理由”。





Saturday, April 17, 2010

how come it can be jus as warm and humid as daytime when its e wee hours of e morning??!! zzzzzzzzzzzz...

stupid weather..
sorry sun, sporeans jus cant stop complaining.. lolz..

& realli hope my hair can grow longer faster so i can tie it into a decent length ponytail..


讓心來決定, 跟著感覺走吧
Friday, April 16, 2010

these few days read too much bad news until dun feel like reading newspaper liao..

terrorist attack, political turmoil, mine field accident, plane crash, earthquakes

這真的是命, 逃也逃不掉, 避也避不了。。。

RIP to the deceased..
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

jia lat..
my throat getting painful again..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

in a state of disbelief..

was catching up with ying n we were talking abt our pri sch frens..
then somehow its to e topic of who's married among us..
& realise there's a num of gals who are married and/or hav kids at our age le..
married still okay, perhaps cos i alr numb liao..
but having kids alr?
tt means is married at either 23 or 24, unless they too impatient lah.. =P

personal feel is that finding someone whom u love n loves u back is hard enuff..
but knowing/feeling that he is the one to spend e rest of ur life with at a mere age of 20/21/22?
or issit cos i haven met e one yet so i dun sense it n hence thinking its not realli possible?

anyway any r/s is a gamble lah..
must hav at least some faith + trust

however come to think of it, which matters isnt?

perhaps its make more complicated in terms of r/s cos tt's where u nid both hands to clap
Monday, April 12, 2010

Musical Monday

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Food For Thought















Wednesday, April 07, 2010

shopping mode..

sparked off when one of my shoes went spoilt..
actualli i din intend to buy a new pair to replace, cos e damage is not significant such tt i still can wear it back home
but when i met ning for lunch, we saw a nice pair of shoes going at jus $10 so i jus bought..
& tt started my shoe spree..
cos i realli nid to get low heels so aft getting tt good bargain i tend to keep a look out on such lobangs
then i found not 1 but 2 more..
so end up buying 3 pair of shoes in 1 week..
guess e total damage?
less than $50!! hehe
dunno to say whether im lucky or i hav a keen eye for such deals ;p

after shoes comes clothes
okay la, i alr shop for a few clothes online from my fave Mayuki prior to my shoe spree cos e early Spring collection is good!
then by chance i pass by a shop & i was attracted by e clothes ava + e price..
before i know it, i picked up several items
total damage also less than $50 for 3 items.. haha
so u can say i walk out poorer but happier
tempted to buy more cos e items are veri reasonably priced but i know i hav to stop if not this month i can go eat grass liao..

seems like one dun nid to wait till Great S'pore Sale to snap up good buys..
as long as e stores are trying to clear stock, there's always good bargain
u jus nid to go search for them..
& e best thing is, there's no crowd! =D

but then hor, i din hav such luck on hp..
somehow e phone models im looking at are either not having promotions or reviews are jus so-so..

morale of e story: i really cannot have a shopping list!!
resolution: stop myself from straying into shops!!!

next thing is, i realise i lost 1 kg after finally fully recover from my cough.. =.="
so now im almost underweight..
haiz, when can i ever go back to my normal weight range??
but surprisingly, even though my weight has decreased, my muscle mass actualli increase which means my fats level went south!!
so right now even my fats level is not at healthy/optimal level.. dots..

even my memory is failing me..
first, i cant find certain items..
even when i try my hardest to recall, i jus cant rem e crucial moment, eg where did i place them
end up almost turning my cupboard upside down before i manage to find them..
sianz but also in a way fortunate..
but e worst is yet to be..
to think i can forget my PASSWORD!!!
up till now i still can't recall
GG.com.sg liao

moving on, let me grumble abt e weather..
aft e very dry Feb and early Mar, it has been raining almost everyday for the past 2-3 weeks..
then i realise cos its near Qing Ming..
realli reflect this phrase 清明时节雨纷纷 though until now i still dun realli understand e meaning of tt poem.. lolz
aft Qing Ming which is on Mon, it hasnt been raining ytd n today!!
pure coincidence or its jus fact?
if fact, how come its like tt??

finally a battle of mind vs heart for me..
for e 2nd time, e Bugis Guan Yin temple gave me a 下签 for e progress btw me & him..
如果知道結局會怎樣, 你會選擇現在就放棄還是繼續走下去?
若以長痛不如短痛的觀點決定喊停, 我的心在抗議。。
想要不在乎天長地久, 只在乎曾經擁有, 我的理智在吵架
但若太小心翼翼,可能會讓這段感情烟消云散, 而那時後悔莫及也來不及了
Monday, April 05, 2010

Musical Monday

Sunday, April 04, 2010

wah seh..
Hamilton qiang siah..
from e last few start position to 6th when finish..
but until now Hamilton seems to be not doing too well..
must jiayou!

then finally Vettel got his first win..
if not i think he heartache liao.. lolz
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Food For Thought




  每个人心中有一道桥,都必须走过去,那是岁月的桥。在桥上的人有匆匆的、有缓缓的、有彳亍而过的。卞之琳的诗说: “你在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你,明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。”每句诗中都有你,视角是相对的。如果用人生岁月来诠释,第一句的你似乎很写意,第二句你没想被人看见,这里出现了两个你,彼此看风景;第三句看到明月装饰了你或另一个“你”的窗,第四句两个“你”都装饰了别人的梦,或装饰了彼此的梦。






Friday, April 02, 2010

choosing the days before Easter weekend to launch terrorists attack is indeed more than a coincidence ba..

& this time round its female bomber..

personal feel, is there a need to kill each other over religion?
esp when Islam and Christianity are similar to certain extent..
heard tt e Qur'an and the old Testament are rather identical..
perhaps i jus dun understand the ferventness of some ppl into religions ba..