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Thursday, July 16, 2009

quite a num of stuffs happened this week n last week tt i feel a need to voice out my thoughts..

first up, the riots in Xin Jiang, China..
wonder if its influenced by riots in Tibet last yr.. =P
from the limited info i've read, it seems like its e native of Xin Jiang against e Chinese there..
seriously, after thousand of yrs, the Han Chinese today is hardly the so-called 'pure' Han tt existed 2000-3000 yrs ago lor..
take South China for example, in the Han dynasty at around 6 BC, Hokkien province and Canto province are not part of the Han terriorty lor..
they are seperate countries on their own before they were defeated by the Han and incoporated into the Han region
so strictly speaking, are the ppl living there Hans prior to their defeat? i also dunno cos not well versed in History..
but dont these ppl descendants see themselves as Hans now?
for Xin Jiang, with the Han Chinese moving over and with inter racial marriage, one can say that the Chinese have alr blended into the native's way of living and also part of them..
hence why the hatred??
& now the Chinese in Xin Jiang is seeking revenge..

next is the response to the death of Michael Jackson..
when i first heard of his death, im jus like "what? he died?"
then that's it..
but seems like millions more have more reactions than me.. =P
perhaps im not grown up listening to eng songs ba, tt's why i dont get the big hoo-ha..
anyway when the media is still speculating about his real cause of death, about how he will distribute his wealth, digging up his old news/scandals, i dun think its respectful to the deceased la..
jus let him RIP..

& MAS has banned some banks/financial institutions in selling structured notes ranging from 6 mths to 2 yrs...
frankly im quite surprised at the 'punishment'..
instead of looking at the real cause of the probs which are lapse in internal check/ misrepresentation and hard selling etc and tackling them, the banning seems more like a publicity telling the whole world that MAS has 'nabbed' the guilty parties and have punished them.. & since they are punished, end of story and let's move on..

is it really the end of the story??
does these financial institution really know their mistakes and now make an effort to improvise their operations eg stop 'targeting' those elderly who merely went to bank for veri simple transaction??
onli time will tell though..

& as if MAS does not need to shoulder any blame..
i know they did send ppl to financial institutions to conduct random checks at random interval, then how come during such checks, they cant find anything amiss?
or issit 道高一尺, 魔高一丈?