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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

confessions of a online shopping addict

opened yet another mayuki spree, this time by frens' request.. which means i dun have lots of things i have in mind to buy.. but right now when im consolidating order, contacting mayuki staffs etc, e more wants i have n i end up ordering e 3rd most num of items *fainted*
also crossing my fingers tt my mum wont faint when she saw e items.. lolz..

lesson well learnt: if u realli wanna save n keep discretionary/impulsive spending to a min or close to zero, not only u hav to refrain from going to shopping centres, u onli must not hav itchy fingers to click on the spree pages/auction sites!!
e temptation is must greater, IMHO. cos no cash is involved hence u prob has e feeling tt u r not shopping. it also din help tt e items on e taiwan auction sites are considerably cheaper & u most prob dun ponder so much n become much more willing to spend...
so im not holding a mayuki spree in the foreseeable future (ard 6 mths ba since i need to save up for my HK & taiwan shopping trip =P)

but i wonder how long i can control my shopping expenses diligently cos i know of frens who will be going to Europe, USA n Japan soon.... ahh... I wanna get e branded bags!!
& i now so wanted to get one bag after reading several Jap mags.. *gosh*
wonder if one day i will turn from a online shopping die-hard to a 败家女。。
cos e brands im looking at are the likes of gucci, burberry, miu miu, balenciaga.. realli dunno how to say myslf..
seems like i need to live in somewhere without shopping centres n internet...

haiz.. humans wants, esp gals shopping lemmings are realli never ending.
i almost ended up buying yet another pair of shoes e other day even though i still have 3 brand new pairs sitting pretty at home..luckily e store ran out of stock for my size and after some delibration i decide not to go to other outlets to get e shoe..

even e same goes for my pc.. now tt i have more disk space, im now getting more stuffs from e net...
no wonder economists all agree that building more roads will not ease the problem of congestion cos supply create demand..
tts e beautiful thing abt econs.. =D

well,except for e shopping episode & reading lots of Jap mag recently.. things are pretty mundane for me.. nothing much to update except i now gianing ktv.. regretted not going for my econs frens ktv gathering a few weeks back.. & e stupid pc still giving me hiccups now n then until i also more or less not in e mood to go online & it explains my lack of posts these days...