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Friday, March 06, 2009

A level results is out and both my ex-students did well in Econs!! ^^
so super glad and also happy for them cos i realli was under some form of pressure (given by myself la) to ensure that they do well..

esp for e 2nd student, cos she's e sis of one of my fren n this fren of mine onli ask me to tutor her sis in late July last yr.. & e sis has onli been barely passing her econs. so u can see tt im under 2 type of pressure..
1st i need to do an even better job cos e student is my fren's sis n 2nd its there is onli limited things i can do within e 3.5 months (Aug to mid Nov) which im not sure if i can perform wonders. so i was telling my fren tt i will do my best to tutor but i cannot guarantee an A. its realli good to have understanding frens n all e more it makes me want to let e fees she paid to me worthwhile..

& my effort did pay off, its realli a good feeling..
tts a kind of feeling tt i doubt one can get elsewhere..
tts e beauty of teaching..
& e friendship formed is an added bonus too =) (has been on good relationship w my ex-students plus their family members)

i do hope that they now know how to appreciate econs n not just chuck it aside after As cos u'll realli understand e world a lot better if u know econs.. & tts my primary objective when tutoring econs as i realise tt most teachers alr hav their hands full trying to complete e syllabus on time to allocate time to allow students to appreciate e beauty of econs..

find tt i like teaching/coaching more and more..
but will i become a teacher?
sch teacher - never, cos u can never devote fully to teaching..
continue tutoring - definitely open but will need to depend on my schedule..

& if one like teaching, one actually need not necessarily become a teacher..
there are so mani other occupations that involves imparting knowledge too eg trainer, speaker, consultant, author etc..

think im fated to be in e 'teaching' line..