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Sunday, March 15, 2009

IT show 09

photos taken from hardwarezone forum

i guess the above crowd is any retailer's dream man..
like wat some forum members are commenting, where's e recession har?
this is e crowd at suntec on sat afternoon 4.30pm, as quoted by the photographer..
luckily tt time im in office =D

but e crowd is alr quite bad as early as 1+pm..
i went there at noon to take brochures and look at e display sets & guess wat?
there is actualli a long queue of ppl waiting to take e escalator from level 6 to level 4 at ard 1+pm

& it took me 2 hours to squeeze thro e crowds just to take brochures!! although my colleagues say no wonder cos i realli do take a lot of brochures..

went back to suntec at 7+pm after i settle my matters in office.. din know how bad is e crowd cos i took e lift up from e carpark basement =D

seriously speaking, if i do not need to get a desktop i will definitely wont go on a weekend. my good frens will know tt i dun like to shop on weekend cos its simply too crowded. i only brave e crowd in hope of getting a good deal n luckily i got one.. bargain quite hard cos i know its a buyer's mrkt now.. lolz.. thanks to e promoter who's so patient.. in general think quite hard to earn my $$$ unless u know which are my soft spots =P anyway now i just hope this new PC can last longer than my current PC.. ^^

well, from e photographs n from wat i experience, i must say tt e bottlenecks are the escalators cos e speed is so super slow but once inside e exhibiton halls, e situation is slightly better though its still rather bad.. dun understand how come banks come to set up booths there.. super no link n waste space onli, perhaps e organiser can improve on tt e next time?

& dunno if its my imagination or not, there seems to be less ppl lugging their loots this time round.. perhaps e buyers all arrange for delivery to their home? or less ppl are buying? tt i dunno for now..
anyway for IT products, if its not a need then i feel its better not to buy now.. cos e prices of IT products almost always heading south.. until now i have yet to see prices of electronic goods going north leh. until now still quite heartache why i spend 40 bucks to buy a 4Gb thumbdrive sometime last yr.. now i can get a 16Gb thmdrive leh.. its not exactly a need back then.. haiz.. tts why im more discerning now n decide not to get a laptop cos its more of a want than a need for me..

but personalli i feel tt sporeans need to spend to help e economy, spend as in general n not restricted to any one category.. cos an economy works in a cycle. if everyone tightens their belt, i can say it can still affect u even if u r not a front line staff. there has alr been news saying tt there can be massive retrenchment in e retail sector aft GSS.. i realli dun wish this scenario will come true man..

nevertheless i also like to urge retailers to do more to lure shoppers. as compared to its foreign counterparts eg Taiwan (this is a place tt i receive frequent newsletter on sales/good bargains) where retailers are slashing 30 to 40% off most items, what e spore retailers are doing is just not attractive/aggressive.

even my fave john little sales where i can get ard 40% off brands eg Za, Loreal etc have less items on discount during their last sale. =(
so one cant exactly blame tt sporeans are not spending.. i for one will be willing to spend my money locally instead of overseas if e deals are sweet enough like those offered in Taiwan.. well lets see what e marketing ppl will come up with this time round after e GST rebate