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Friday, March 13, 2009

3 suicide cases in less than 10 days...
& all involve young promising males...
& to think tt i have e impression that its e females who's more emotional that are more prone to suicide...

wat does this say abt our society?
i think its a cause for concern le..
for gals, when we face any prob we can either tell our family members or confide in our close frens..
for me, if i realli cant take it, i'll use e most powerful weapon of women - cry.. but of course i wont let anyone see me cry la.. =D
i definitely feel better aft crying, cos i'll have alr cooled down and tend to be logical by e time i dun cry le..
& tt's when i know its no use brooding n its time to move on..

but for guys, 1st i dunno if there's a support system for them to turn to in e 1st place..
cos e others may see them as whining which is a big no-no for guys cos guys are supposed to be strong n macho.. if not confirm kenna shoot "eh, dun be like a girl leh" etc..
e same also applies to crying.. despite andy lau's famous song "男人哭吧不是罪", i still feel tt asian socities still have a big discrimination against guys tearing in public..
hence coupled with such restrictions, is it a wonder why guys tend to bottle up their true emotions?
tts also a main reason why males in general their lifespan is 4 yrs shorter than females, cos bottling up your own feelings can lead to health problems..

i truly wish tt guys can be more forthcoming to let out their emotions, esp in front of their loved ones or close frens, since afterall they are alr so close, wat's there to be afraid of/ pai seh about?
afterall all humans have emotions, & it definitely comforting to know that there's someone with you regardless of what happens..

& maybe i hav alr mentioned in my prev posts, i believe that's a way to every prob one faces..
yes it may seem enormous but if u microsize it, perhaps u discover tt it can be solved part by part.. definitely not all at once but steady n gradually.. or try looking from another perspective.. just like a maths question..
n one's prob dun end by taking one's life, it merely pass from u to ur family members! is this e way how one treat family members?

plus strictly speaking, we owe our presence on Earth to our parents.
its them tt give us this life n if u jus end ur life like tt, is it being fair to them?
im not saying that parents ought to control their children lives but is this how u shd treat ur parents?
spare a thought for them.. do u like to see ur parents 肝腸寸斷?
honestly speaking, 白髮人送黑髮人那種情景與滋味很難用言語來形容。。。

no one is an island.. one's action will have certain chain reaction..
on e same note, precisely cos no one is an island, reach out to ur family/frens when in need of help!!
that's wat kinship and friendship is all about right?