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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tioman trip

1st travelling of e yr..
must say that i choose the right place to go =)
great beach, scenic views and superb sky.. wat more can i ask for?

and things not to be missed over there?
alcohol, watching sunset, snorkelling/scuba diving!!

alcohol is super cheap over there lor.. i bought a can (not the usual 330ml that's sold in spore but rather its e 500ml version) of beer for like only RM3-5!?! then one can of red wine (yes, red wine is sold in 330ml can version! when will spore bring it in?) is also only like RM4?!

and e sunset is realli nice.. but i missed e golden period, was bathing instead.. =( dunno abt e sunrise though cos cant managed to wake up early.. lol..

finally e water there is super clear lor.. i can see the coral reef at e jetty!! can you imagine that? cos its a fact that e water near e jetty will be more polluted but no, i can see through to the bottom and also end up feeding the numerous fishes that swim thro.. hence even though u dunno how to swim, pls go snorkelling/scuba diving!!

as for my fave night activity, stargazing, its an excellent venue! first time i can see the summer sky so clearly!!! but dunno why it started getting cloudy and overcast by 2am on both nights im there so din realli get to see Scorpion and Sagi plus summer triangle.. *sad* now i know wat i missed out when i din go w e astro ppl to tioman a few yrs back.. can the new comm organise AB to tioman again, pretty pls?

and hilarious stuff happens to me when i least expect it..

1st, the pair of slipper that i wear spolit the moment i reach the resort so no choice i nid to buy another pair at quite a mark-up price.. guess its partly due to transport cost and plus monopoly power
then next day when i went snokerlling, one of e slipper dropped into e sea when i boarding the ferry.. *oops* i polluted the sea..
so end up when we are on land again, i ended up wearing flippers to walk ard.. dunno which is weirder? wearing just one shoe or wearing a pair of flippers.. well, its qiute an experience wearing flippers to walk ard cos its certainly not easy!! i finally understand how penguin feels and why does penguins walk the way they do on land..
and somemore this pair of flippers is actualli borrowed from one guy who is living in e same resort as us! cos i super buay tehan one foot being barefooted cos the heat on e ground is kinda too much for me to take it.. then SL n JL suggest i go borrow the flippers.. actualli e guy whom i borrow from is not bad leh, maybe tts why SL n JL asked me to aprroach them (this guy came with another guy and somehow from the way they behave and dress, we think they are BBM.. aiya, wasted.. =P)anyway when i approach them, they are rather amused at my request la.. but still thankful that this guy still agreed and spare me e agony of baked foot..
then when we went to e duty free shop, its no longer possible for me to wear the flippers cos of e long dist so end up the guide lend me his pair of slippers and he walked barefooted! feels so guilty man.. but he seems rather fine with it.. maybe he trying to make me feels better ba..

n wasted din spend more at e duty free shop.. din dare to 'smuggle' alcohol so end up buying none.. and also perhaps also due to me din compare the price there and the DFS S'pore price ba.. dun wan to end up paying more and xin tong..
but e t-shirts there realli cheap and of decent quality.. shd have grab a few more..

and also this is the first time i manage to make new frens during e trip! actualli its SL that somehow got to know this grp of guys and i just joined in.. they are realli fun and their 'cold jokes' are realli cream of e crop.. super cannnot stand them and also end up laughing like mad..
but nid to agree with them on one thing..
while tioman is beautiful during the day time, but at night time when its low tide, all the hidden rocks will show themselves and the beach appears rather ugly.. so one of e guys was saying that tioman is a female.. cos ladies put on make up and looks very pretty during the day but when e make up is gone, there goes the attractiveness.. dun fully agree but there is certainly some truth to it..

n e resort we stayed at is quite good.. at first we intend to go to its competitor but due to cost we switch over to this resort.. must say that in term of facilities and outlook of the resort the other resort wins hands down but the resort we stayed at has the cosy feeling that's lacking at the other side..

home cooked food is provided and the cooking is quite good! we were allocated a table for all our meals and for dinner, its 3 dishes plus 1 soup.. got fish, prawn, curry chicken, scrambled eggs.. then plus the portion is quite generous! eg when they serve fish, its realli the whole medium size fish. as for prawn, my take is that its 1/2kg worth of prawn in e plate lor.. so somehow its too large a serving for e four of us.. but cos i dun like to waste food, i try to minimise e loss and end up eating like 10 prawns on e 2nd day of dinner.. realli can cover back my cost..

and we din missed out on the facilities part cos we are free to go over and use the facilities at e other resort.. so went to spa there.. quite good and cheap! no wonder ppl say go overseas (at least to other SEA countries) must do spa/massage..

n one thing i realise is that there are lots of cats over there! and quite a num of them are pregnant.. seems like its true that Malays like cats alot.. i see so mani cats until i ma mu le and din bother to count or play with them.. except once.. cos this cat is eating the leftover food at midnight at our dinner area and it looks so pitiful with its eyes wide open pleading me for more food after it finished e food on e floor so i went to find leftover prawns to feed it.. the cat good life right? anyway it finishes everything, including the shell! perfect example of not wasting food! but somehow i wonder wat do the cats survive on during the northeast monsoon period.. cos e island will be closed to vistors, the staffs will go back to the penisula so that means they have nothing to eat.. but perhaps they'll find a way?

anyway no regrets about this trip.. realli enjoyed myself over there.. if there is one grouse, its not enough time.. din get to explore other parts of e island so missed out on e waterfall, jungle trekking.. but in order to get these done i need to travel via speedboat (due to the intense jungle, each kampong is isolated from other kampongs and travelling via land is not possible) which im not sure will i get seasick or not..

my other frens have been telling me that tioman is kinda passed its heyday le and that if i find tioman good, its cos i haven see redang yet.. makes me now realli tempeted to go redang.. tried to jio SL but she's put off by e idea of a 12 hr journey (10 hr bus + 2 hr ferry).. hmm nid to find other ppl le.. realli want to see how good redang is but meanwhile i certainly hope to go back tioman again =)

and now its photo time!