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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Commencement 2007

I have officially graduated!!! no longer a student..

suddenly feels kinda old, esp after encountering with e pri sch kids during photo taking earlier in e afternoon..

brought me back to one day more than a decade ago, when i was still in kindergarten ba.. i was walking past my soon-to-be pri sch while on my way back home.. then i remember telling my mum tt i will want to go to pri sch, then to sec sch, then to high sch n go on to uni.. vaguely remember my mum was like 'yah, tts still a super long way to go (aka dunno even know if u can make it to uni)... stop daydreaming and focus on now'

& now im a graduare n to e working phase of my life...

okay, i better stop before the tone of this post becomes sad again... =D

anyway today i see e power of unity among e econs ppl.. right from 8.30am (all thanks to e postponed photo taking session, i nid to wake up so early..), we have been taking photos.. n from a medium grp photo of 6-7 ppl, it can expand to a grand total of 23-25 within 1-2 min!!! perhaps it can also be due to e fact tt e econs hons graduates are e onli ones wearing orange hood so tts why its easy to spot fellow mates taking grp photos.. nevertheless i think its still quite a feat ba though i din compare with other hons majors.. haha

then during the ceremony, e USP ppl stand throughout the whole ceremony cheering for us (e non USP ppl).. we intend to stand up too to demostrate the power of econs hons cohort but considering tt we will be blocking e view of e audiences at e back, we have to give up tt thought..

& one stupid thing actualli happen to me.. when it comes to awarding e B.Arts (Econs), e 1st name to be called is Ang Junyang.. e first thought tt comes to my mind is 'how come this name is so familar ?' but i cant see him clearly even on e projector so i thought nvm.. it was onli aft e ceremony tt weiqi mentioned tt Junyang was inside UCC taking photos then i realise 'oh, so its realli him!!'.. so din manage to take photo with him.. wasted...

besides din have a chance to take solo pic with junyang, i also din take solo pic with quite a num of my frens.. either i cant find them or they leave early.. *sad* hoping tt we will still meet up in future n can still take solo pics *wink*

went to esplanade to take more photos in e afternoon.. since a big grp of us went (22 of us), we kinda become e COA (centre of attraction) there.. even when e whole grp of us were changing into gowns, we saw ang mohs taking photos of us, & we went "duh? so interesting meh?".. have moments of silly fun there.. e most classic must be 1. Kenneth Koh going into e red sea of pri sch kids (they gathered at e esplanade before e start of NDP rehersal), jumped up and shouted "Graduate lor!!!" & 2. the whole grp of us decide to mimick e pri sch kids by lining up into 2 rows and placing our 2nd finger on our lips while sitting down on e floor..

anyway e kids are actualli quite smart.. when we are walking alongside spore river, they waved at us, some say 'congrats!',some say 'graduate alr rite?' n others say 'u all from nus rite?'.. cant help but marvel at their intelligence.. maybe they watch too mani tv dramas liao.. heh..

then towards e merlion park, there's funny poses again.. some of them decides to be THE merlion, some decides to be e 'basin' while me n a few others decide to take an artistic picture.. lol.. & once again, we become COA at Merlion park.. lost count of e num of ppl taking pic of us.. STB ought to pay us man... =P

anyway time waits for no man n soon its near dinner time n e gals cant take it anymore (e court shoes is realli a killer).. tts when we went our seperate ways - some went home, another grp stay for dinner..

unofficial farewell, tinge of sadness rising in me..

Econs Hons frens, do keep in touch ya?
there's still badminton, ktv, movies & clubbing etc to look forward to!! =)