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hazeynut @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, July 30, 2007

Musical Monday




Sunday, July 29, 2007

realli think i can go n compete in crying compeitition.
just one opening sentence from my friends and im fighting back my tears..


tt says something about my state right now, doesnt it?

confirm e source of e prob is myself.. it will be a struggle between my inner self...

realli think that one of my colleague knows me quite well, the quotes he sent to me realli applies to me..

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
Monday, July 23, 2007

Musical Monday





Sunday, July 22, 2007

was reading e commencement booklet and to my pleasant surprise, found mani long lost frens on e ultra long graduation list.. =D

most of us are doing well (either 1st class or 2nd upper).. at least we dun disappoint our sec n JC teachers.. lol..

but still quite a few shocks.. one JC mate who is smart n super diligent actualli onli got 2nd lower.. still dunno how to react as i must admit i not realli on good term with this person.. perhaps this further illustrate tt study hard will not get u veri far in uni ba..

have this urge to go back to my schs n thank all my teachers who believe in me n went to great length n effort to teach/help me.. hope they din went thro much heartache then cos i can be a problematic student (can say i got some brain but not wiling to put in effort at times).. =P
Friday, July 20, 2007

was reading wat my other colleagues were writing and realise one of them had a big conflict with one of his parent on wed and he was also e one who msg me on tt nite and ask abt my condition/recovery... realli admire him.. setting his troubles/woes aside and showing concern to his colleague (me la), not everyone can do tt man...
frankly this is not an easy route to take, besides e inital difficult stage of starting out, your loved ones still comes n adds on to ur pressure.. 不是过来人真不知其中的滋味。。for me, its not too bad.. although my parents dun realli support, they din go to lengths to stop me either.. & its realli heart warming to see all e responses/encouragement from other colleagues/managers/directors... ppl always say that this is a lonely job, but looking at all e postings, i beg to differ.. at least in this company mani ppl do care for u.. =)

suddenly thought of this song...

You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

first time in years tt im so sick..
actualli its not so serious.. jus tt different illnesses strike consecutively..
big warning from my body man...
take a much needed break and spent more time with my family..
my spirits are also much more lifted..
somehow i become much more emotional ever since i started work.. my mood can realli be a roller coaster... realli took me by surprise cos i always thought im not the 大喜大怒,大悲大伤 type...
looking back, i still dunno if i make e right choice.. all e scarifices, all e hours spent in office and yet i still din realli see e light...


BUT one thing im sure, im not complaining about my job..
Monday, July 16, 2007

Musical Monday

Cry On My Shoulder
By Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (DSDS)

If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you"re feeling blue
If you"re away from love and you"re alone
If you call your friends and nobody"s home
You can run away but you can"t hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there"s a destiny
The best things in life
They"re free
But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There"s a place in heaven where we"ll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I"ll never hide
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Gals gathering + photo taking

cant believe that one week has passed since my commencement...

know i shdnt dwell on e past but i still do wish how i can travel back to last sat...

nevertheless i had somehow a replay since i went for photo taking (minus e gown cos i din manage to borrow another) with e gals.. so i become THE lawyer.. lol..

but today is not realli a good day to take photos as there are mani ppl at e esplanade hoping to watch NDP rehersal in action.. it wasnt e case last wk leh.. issit bcos last sat is onli for pri sch children so not mani ppl knew abt it??

nonetheless took quite a num of photos and e fireworks are realli nice (though e duration is shorter than tt of American navy celebrating their independence day on 30/6/07)!!

& its great to see peggy agn!!! realli hope our frenship can last despite e distance factor.. =)

okie, photo time now!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Musical Monday


放心去飞 勇敢地去追
放心去飞 勇敢地挥别
说好了 这一次不掉眼泪

放心去飞 勇敢地去追
放心去飞 勇敢地挥别
说好了 这一次不掉眼泪
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Commencement 2007

I have officially graduated!!! no longer a student..

suddenly feels kinda old, esp after encountering with e pri sch kids during photo taking earlier in e afternoon..

brought me back to one day more than a decade ago, when i was still in kindergarten ba.. i was walking past my soon-to-be pri sch while on my way back home.. then i remember telling my mum tt i will want to go to pri sch, then to sec sch, then to high sch n go on to uni.. vaguely remember my mum was like 'yah, tts still a super long way to go (aka dunno even know if u can make it to uni)... stop daydreaming and focus on now'

& now im a graduare n to e working phase of my life...

okay, i better stop before the tone of this post becomes sad again... =D

anyway today i see e power of unity among e econs ppl.. right from 8.30am (all thanks to e postponed photo taking session, i nid to wake up so early..), we have been taking photos.. n from a medium grp photo of 6-7 ppl, it can expand to a grand total of 23-25 within 1-2 min!!! perhaps it can also be due to e fact tt e econs hons graduates are e onli ones wearing orange hood so tts why its easy to spot fellow mates taking grp photos.. nevertheless i think its still quite a feat ba though i din compare with other hons majors.. haha

then during the ceremony, e USP ppl stand throughout the whole ceremony cheering for us (e non USP ppl).. we intend to stand up too to demostrate the power of econs hons cohort but considering tt we will be blocking e view of e audiences at e back, we have to give up tt thought..

& one stupid thing actualli happen to me.. when it comes to awarding e B.Arts (Econs), e 1st name to be called is Ang Junyang.. e first thought tt comes to my mind is 'how come this name is so familar ?' but i cant see him clearly even on e projector so i thought nvm.. it was onli aft e ceremony tt weiqi mentioned tt Junyang was inside UCC taking photos then i realise 'oh, so its realli him!!'.. so din manage to take photo with him.. wasted...

besides din have a chance to take solo pic with junyang, i also din take solo pic with quite a num of my frens.. either i cant find them or they leave early.. *sad* hoping tt we will still meet up in future n can still take solo pics *wink*

went to esplanade to take more photos in e afternoon.. since a big grp of us went (22 of us), we kinda become e COA (centre of attraction) there.. even when e whole grp of us were changing into gowns, we saw ang mohs taking photos of us, & we went "duh? so interesting meh?".. have moments of silly fun there.. e most classic must be 1. Kenneth Koh going into e red sea of pri sch kids (they gathered at e esplanade before e start of NDP rehersal), jumped up and shouted "Graduate lor!!!" & 2. the whole grp of us decide to mimick e pri sch kids by lining up into 2 rows and placing our 2nd finger on our lips while sitting down on e floor..

anyway e kids are actualli quite smart.. when we are walking alongside spore river, they waved at us, some say 'congrats!',some say 'graduate alr rite?' n others say 'u all from nus rite?'.. cant help but marvel at their intelligence.. maybe they watch too mani tv dramas liao.. heh..

then towards e merlion park, there's funny poses again.. some of them decides to be THE merlion, some decides to be e 'basin' while me n a few others decide to take an artistic picture.. lol.. & once again, we become COA at Merlion park.. lost count of e num of ppl taking pic of us.. STB ought to pay us man... =P

anyway time waits for no man n soon its near dinner time n e gals cant take it anymore (e court shoes is realli a killer).. tts when we went our seperate ways - some went home, another grp stay for dinner..

unofficial farewell, tinge of sadness rising in me..

Econs Hons frens, do keep in touch ya?
there's still badminton, ktv, movies & clubbing etc to look forward to!! =)

Friday, July 06, 2007

time waits for no man...

07/07/07 is drawing closer each day...
mixed feeling to this day.. a part of me still wish im a student... but another part of me urges me to go on with life and not dwell with e past.. but human is always human.. & 4 yrs is not a short time either....

getting emotional.. tts e way ive been recently.. & cant seem to pinpoint e reason behind it..
jus hope i wont cry during commencement n spoil e happy mood of others...

& i realise time is going too fast for me these days.. whenever i wanna read a book or blog after bathing etc, its alr somewhere past midnight... so now i lead a boring life.. or issit my time management skills needs lotsa brushing up??
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Review of Japan Trip Part 4: Kyoto

Final write-up abt my Japan trip
Kyoto: a must-go if you are in Japan..
the scenery is fantastic, at times I really wonder if I'm really in Japan with all the alleys and ancient buildings..
but if you are the shopper kind, then Osaka is more suitable for you.. =D
no time to type, there are just simply too much things to write abt Kyoto.. it has officially become my fave city..
guess e photos can make up for my lack of words.. lol..

Kyoto Station - too modern for my liking, don't think it suit the feel of Kyoto

The famous Kyoto Tower

Sanjusangendo (Among one of the must-go)

Kiyomizu Temple - Don't miss it!!


Welcome to Nijojo

Inside Nijojo castle

Imagine this is spring/autumn/winter... Why did I go in summer? =D (Nijojo)

Perfect setting for a period drama (Nijojo)

One corner of Kyoto

Breathtaking scenery @ Arashiyama

Glimpse of autumn in summer


Inside Tenryuji

Ginkakuji - a die-die-must-go!!

Bamboo Garden @ Ginkakuji