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hazeynut @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, January 30, 2007





Monday, January 29, 2007

Fun Video 3

One fren showed a few of us this video last wk and we had a good time laughing..
try telling e facts from e lies..
its fun!! =D

Musical Monday




Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekend Special: Posh Car 5

Koenigsegg CCX 2006



Pontiac Solstice Roadster 2006

Mercedes-Benz SLR Mclaren 2006
Friday, January 26, 2007

mild food poisoning?

hasnt been a good day for me today, not bcos of work, but rather due to my health..
out of the blue i have super bad diarrhoea, visiting the washroom several times within a short span of 5-6 hrs.. still feeling weak now from the constant stomach pain.. wondering wat caused it though.. i din eat any 'suspicious' food today.. hmm.. n its definitely not stomach flu.. if not i cant even sit up and am confined to my bed..

hav been hanging out in econs hons room almost everyday im in school.. e room has kinda grown on me such tt ive a personal fav table and even chair! =D then it is from the somewhat regular interactions with the other ppl tt i discover tt econs guys have many merits too.. ok, granted that many are not blessed with good looks (they wont strike you as handsome when one first saw them) but they make up for it in other aspects.. some are talented (utterly impressed with J today, a true all-rounder!!), some have an excellent sense of humour, some are so helpful and caring.. until to a certain extent, i feel pai seh/indebted.. cos im just an avg plus at-times-rather-blur gal and feel that i dun realli deserve them treating me so well, esp when i din realli reciprocate.. i hereby expressed my gratitudes to all..
one thing to clarify, i din intend to suggest tt econs hons gals did not possess e above qualities but truth is, im e onli gal in e hons room half e time so guess im not qualified enough to comment on e gals..

let me digress from econs now since ive been blogging about it for the past few posts liao..
so time to say about e round e corner CNY..
before i realise it, CNY is jus a mere 3 wks away..
actualli i kinda dread its arrival.. cos when e day comes, it will indicate tt i have onli slightly a month to wrap up my thesis!! shudders at e thought cos right now ive jus starting to build my model n hav yet to work out my results to see if it yields satisfactory results.. ahh...

as for CNY preparation, im so broke tt i need to depend on my mum for 'partial sponsorship'.. due to unexpected events, i overspend and earned less than expected at end of last yr.. tt explains my current situation.. even though i tried to save my pocket money to the best i can, i still dun hav enuff.. haiz..
went bugis village in search of clothes and find tt im more interested with shoes & bags instead.. setting my sights on a bag and some pairs of shoes now even though i bought 2 each during e hols!! oh no, i am slowly becoming an acessories addict.. also tempted to buy t-shirts but luckily im logical enuff to let my emotions rule e brain..
plan for more shopping and perhaps a trip to a salon next week and i need a drinking session soon.. =D
Thursday, January 25, 2007

I see the light

jus when i thought i've more or less conquered the models, the economic rationale qn in the tut throws me into a sea of doubt again.. one prob is tt i dun understand the model as i thought.. i jus simply drive myself to the maths part and not really understand how it work and why.. e kind of critical thinking qn.. come to think of it, it reminds me of myself taking physics during JC.. i din understand the essence and beauty of the theory and gan gan plunge myself into problem solving.. no wonder i flop my JC physics.. luckily i discovered my flaw fast enough.. all thanks to ZL.. ZL understanding of e model and economic intuition is super li hai lor.. im so glad tt i voice out my doubts to him.. if not i dun think i can recognise my weakness n to rectify it..

on the other hand, it is also bad news to me cos this means i will need more time on e lec notes agn!! oh no.. & i actually feel like doing it now which im supposed to do thesis.. everyone is so fast on their thesis progress! WL even handed up his 1st draft to his supervisor alr!!! OMG!!! lucky his sup is not my sup.. poor ET, she can never catch up to WL liao.. then today kind of become conspiracy & rumours day due to the abv incidents and some other matters.. lol.. better not say here.. its meant to be a joke tt e ppl present then know.. then use it as a base to create more rumours n 'theories'.. hmm, issit an adv of hanging ard in hons rm? haha..

okay, back to work liao.. *sianz*
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

huffing and panting..

im not sure if im jus a wols and unproductive person or that the module is plain difficult.. spent hours aft macro lec to derive jus 4-5 equations!!! *die* & to think tt i actually come from a JC which is famed for its gruelling maths which in turn brush up my maths skills.. seems like ive lost the 'feel' for maths.. going by this rate, i doubt i can handle both thesis and macro.. no wonder alvin warned us against this combi last yr.. it get wat he means now, but we also wont have a choice in e 1st place.. one consolation is that i onli need to focus on these 2 stuffs, e other modules are still rather slack for now.. =D

but e downside is, i still cant get myself enthu for my thesis!!
ive finally kick myself out of slack form but im not dividing my interest equally.. macro although tough, i have no qualms abt spending hours on it.. maybe its my inert instinct ba.. ever since sec sch, when i cant get a maths ques right, i will tend to ponder over it for hours until i get it before moving on to other stuff.. so macro is kinda like pringles, once i start i cant stop.. am i a freak? i guess not many are willing to subject themselves to such difficult task rite?
heard others who have 'been there, done that' say that e 1st few lectures are among the most difficult.. later lec will be easier.. hmm, wonder if its due to adapative expectations or it is realli simpler in absolute terms..
Monday, January 22, 2007

Musical Monday

Kangta & Vanness

Y2J Yoo young jin That's the way
We came straight game wit
it straight off the chain wit it
Look but can't touch we the illest true pimp's at it
collaboration locked with millitary fusion
Takin over e globe without any hesitation
Envision total domination
Taking circus out with sniper scupe prepision
So just back up back up Yo way up way up
Or you'll get yourself smacked up
like it pad we hit'em up
Too cold to hold yo we too hot to handle
Ladies are you ready
bout to hit you wit dis scandal
태양이 잠들면 어둠의 지밴 시작돼
Baggy를 내려입는것 스니커즈를 신는것
오늘밤 내 무대엔 새 바람이 불까 (It's you)
내 몸짓 하나로도 충분해
Girl I got you stuck on me
내게 눈을 떼지마
리듬은 내 전부인걸 내 몸안에 있는걸
Hot step show me 내 전부를 걸어봐
터질것같은 내 열정이 느껴져
Break that away 감당할수 없는걸
Just you and me Pop let's get it on tonight
I know what I know what I know I show
By the time I finish you'll be screaming for more
숨이멎어버릴것만 같은 너 빨려들어가는 모든 시선들
Don't try to step pistol whipped is how you'll end
Flippin the script I just aun dun it again
그것만으론 아직 모자라
이제 시작되는 나의 Crunky Pop
Now let see who can get down
내게 눈을 떼지마 음악은 내 심장인걸
내 가슴안에 있는것 show down let's party
네 모든걸 보여줘
현란한 나의 춤 한계는 없는걸 Pump your body
감당할 수 없는 걸
Just you and me Pop we got to battle tonight
난 너를 아는걸 춤안에서 자유로운 꿈도 숨 쉬는걸
그 보다 표현하고 싶던 모든것 내 몸안에 녹아있어
Yo baby boo you know what you do
shakin that thing left
and right makin all the boys drool
sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle
Getting me thinking bout how
I'm about to handle it cos ur lips
be so fresh n so clean
But understand that in the man
I'll give you whatcha need sayin please
Tickle you soo good you'll puckle up in va knees
Yeah~~ (It's you)
Just ride tonite just ride tonite
just ride be right
Show down let's party
내 모든걸 보여줘 Oh Oh Oh Oh
Pump your body 감당할수 없는걸
한없이 타올라 Let's party all night long
Hot step show me 내 전부를 걸어봐
거짓과 같은 내 열정이 느껴져
Break that away 감당할 수 없는걸
Just you and me Pop let's get it on tonight
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Weekend Special: Korean Singer - BoA

One of the hottest Korean singer with hits such as 'Jewel Song', 'No 1'.
Im impressed with het language skills and her talent.. her singing is superb!!
cant believe that she is 2 years younger than me, tt means she is only 20-21 now and sang IMO one of her best song, 'Jewel Song' at a mere 17-18!!
I think most Superstar contestants ought to be ashamed and continually improve themselves if they were to seek a foothold in the entertainment industry..
& lastly this young lady reminds me of Mavis Hee (Xu Mei Jing) 10-11 years ago cos they can sing lovely & touching ballads at such a young age

Thursday, January 18, 2007


slacking, slacking, still slacking.. for thesis, that is..
ktv again jus now.. so hardly touch my thesis stuff until i dun dare to consult my sup this week.. feel so bad.. but hope he wont pursue such trivial matter.. =P
Monday, January 15, 2007

Musical Monday



在很远 我不了解


然后 多痛 一遍

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Weekend Special: Happy Time Issue 1


FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

SOCIALISM: You have two cows. State takes one and give it to someone else.

COMMUNISM: You have two cows. State takes both of them and gives you milk.

DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

FASCISM: You have two cows. State takes both of them and sell you milk.

NAZISM: You have two cows. State takes both of them and shoot you.

CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.

BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need.

PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.

RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.

PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.

REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.

AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: The government promises to give you two cows if you vote for it. After the election, the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. The press dubs the affair "Cowgate".

BRITISH DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You feed them sheep's brains and they go mad. The government doesn't do anything.

SINGAPORE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. The government fines you for keeping two unlicensed animals in an apartment.

BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.

ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors kill you and take the cows.

HONG KONG CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via a Panamanian intermediary to a Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sells the rights to all seven cows' milk back to the listed company. The annual report says that the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. Meanwhile, you kill the two cows because the Feng Shui is bad.

ENVIRONMENTALISM: You have two cows. The government bans you from milking or killing them.

FEMINISM: You have two cows. They get married and adopt a veal calf.

TOTALITARIANISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: You are associated with (the concept of "ownership"is a symbol of the phallo-centric, war-mongering, intolerant past) two differently-aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender.

COUNTER CULTURE: Wow, dude, there's like... these two cows, man. You got to have some of this milk. Far out! Awesome!

SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.

JAPANESE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You give the milk to gangsters so they don't ask any awkward questions about who you're giving the milk to.

EUROPEAN FEDERALISM: You have two cows which cost too much money to care for because everybody is buying milk imported from some cheap east-European country and would never pay the fortune you'd have to ask for your cows' milk. So you apply for financial aid from the European Union to subsidise your cows and are granted enough subsidies. You then sell your milk at the former elevated price to some government-owned distributor which then dumps your milk onto the market at east-European prices to make Europe competitive. You spend the money you got as a subsidy on two new cows and then go on a demonstration to Brussels complaining that the European farm-policy is going drive you out of your job.

EASTERN EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You sell the milk (diluted with some water) at a high price to the neighbors or to anyone at the open-air market. If somebody asks for receipt, you charge for a two times higher price, so nobody will request an invoice. For concerned families with small babies you claim that the milk is "bio", though you collect the grass for feeding at the side of the highway and you keep the milk in plastic barrels used previously as containers of dangerous chemicals. Later, your neighbor or anybody from town will steal the cows and will buy their meat for a high price, and if you ask for a receipt, you will be charged for a two times higher price.

FINNISH SOCIALISM: You have two cows. Soon you have to kill one of them because in the Netherlands there is an overproduction of milk and the European Union rules say so. When you do so, you realize that it was not necessary, only the system was too slow in getting you the up-to-date news. From the stress, you get an ulcer in your stomach so you go to a doctor. The doctor realizes that this ulcer is a serious one, so you need an urgent treatment. Therefore, you soon get a call to the local hospital. The call's date is for 3 months later, because there is a queue with more urgent cases. Then your ulcer becomes even more serious because you remember that 40 percent of your income is taken for social tax.


Credits: http://paul.merton.ox.ac.uk/work/economists.html
Thursday, January 11, 2007

1st macro lec

after lotsa stories and expectation being revised, i went to the much-talked about macro lec.. n surprise, e prof is like a friendly father (okay, he is not tt old) and he is really good in his teachings! clear explanation and all.. but my frens say tt i haven seen his 'true colours'.. lol.. looks like i nid to wait till tut to experience tt.. =D
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

into the uncharted waters

jus submitted my thesis proposal and right now im having some kind of a confidence crisis.. the task and challenges ahead of me is simply put, beyond my thoughts as ive never experienced it before... it certainly din help tt im not choosing e 'easier' method..
one thing for sure, i realli need a never-say-die attitude and conscientious efforts..
Monday, January 08, 2007

Musical Monday



Loved this song!!

A good way to start the 1st day of school ya? =)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weekend Special: Drama Review 12 - Dicey Business

Main Cast:
Bobby Au Yeung » Chai Foon-Chong
Michael Miu » Kiu Ching-Cho
Bosco Wong » Chai Foon-Lok (Cheung Loi-Foo)
Jessica Hsuan » Li Ching-Wan
Tavia Yeung » Tam Chu-Mei


Chai Foon-Chong (Bobby Au Yeung) had not won a single game since his defeat in the International Poker Tournament twenty years ago. It was the bad luck he had all these years that had earned him a job in the casino. And ironically, the man who hired him was one of his former competitors Kiu Ching-Cho (Michael Miu).

Foon-Chong got reunited with his long-lost brother Chai Foon-Lok (Bosco Wong) through a compulsive gambler named Li Ching-Wan (Jessica Hsuan). Foon-Lok had grown to be a reclusive adolescent with an extraordinary gift for gambling. Ching-Cho recognized Foon-Lok’s talent and offerd to teach him different gambling skills. On the surface, Ching-Cho was a great mentor and friend who looked out for Foon-Lok and Foon-Chong in every way, but in reality he had been trying to create discord between the brothers. As a matter of fact, it was Ching-Cho who set Foon-Chong up and caused his downfall. Ching-Cho kept fanning the flames of conflict between Foon-Chong and Foon-Look, turning them into bitter rivals on the gambling front …

Credit: http://bosco-wong.com/work/series/dicey-business/


Plot - In general I find that the scriptwriters did a good job on this drama. This drama has its fair share of ups and downs although there are parts which im not so convinced. One weakness i feel in this drama is that the intensity of the drama varies greatly throughout. In the first few episodes, i understand that there is a need to introduce the characters properly, but not at the expense of the story-telling.. I feel that it drags somewhat until the 9th or 10th episode.. From then on, the pace is okay but it goes downhill again on the last episode when everything just went too fast! I alr expected not to anticipate too much at the final episode cos tt's jus TVB but im still somewhat disappointed.. there's quite a num of ends not tied up and leaves me with various question marks. it may be better if the drama is extended to have a more complete ending..

Nevertheless, this drama offers a rare glimpse into the casino, unlike the Singapore's "The Unbeatables" series which mainly focus on the showhand/gambling kings/queens.. It somewhat reminds me of "All In" but it covers more depth in terms of the techniques used by casino customers and staffs to cheat and how to play showhand/poker! =D


Bobby (Foon-Chong)

A good performance, though there are some scenes which I feel he overacted and my heart is not stirred by some of the supposedly touching scenes. Think Bobby is more adept in more comical/funny scenes. But his crying scenes are super good, kinda surprised cos Bobby tends to take on comedy roles in dramas that of course, does not require crying.

Overall, I still think Michael put up a more sturdy performance. (see below)

Michaeal (Cho)

Just one word: Terrific!

He reeks of maturity and masculinity in this drama. Cho is actually a complex character but Michael can brought out the passion, inner conflicts and anguish of the character very well. I think the actor is considered successful when the audiences can feel for him, which I did. & i nearly go ga-ga over him too.. haha.. cos his eyes really know how to 放电, can understand why Ching-Wan (Jessica) is in such a dilemma in the drama =P Furthermore, e chemistry between Michael and Jessica is good too, and a compatible cum confortable pair on-screen.

Bosco (Foo)

His acting skill is getting better and more mature.
& his style in this drama is definitely the best by far.
for the first time (in modern series) i label him as a 'leng zai', his stylist ought to dress him up in this way more often!!
fringes causally brushing against his brows + slightly curled but sweet smile = killer combi for female audiences
Looks aside, he also delivers in terms of acting.
He can handle the different types of scenarios well, though i think he can improve on his 'evil' scenes. Somehow he did not give me the cunning eyes/smiles/feelings tt i expect when he has something up his sleeves.

Jessica (Ching-Wan)

I can say Jessica is brave to take up this role as it deviates from her usual career woman roles

Ching-Wan, on apperance, is a happy-go-lucky person with a liking for gambling but deep down in her heart lies untold sorrow. Jessica brought out the two sides of her characters well, and she handles the gambling scene just well.. a bit of exagerration but not overboard.. good skills. on the whole, good performance though not exactly ground breaking..

Not forget to mention, she & michael forms a great pair.. pity that they do not end up together..

Tavia (Chu-Mei)

I think she is just average in the drama.
At times i cant stand her somewhat.
There is just a fine line between innocent and looking stupid and at times her facial expressions are just .......
& her voice is also quite weird. i din watch her other dramas in canto so i din know if wat i hear is this drama is her usual voice. but she sounded like a kid most times until i wonder if she (the character) is just innocent or is her IQ is below average..
one din need to have a kiddish voice to indicate innocence, IMHO e most impt elements are actually the eyes and body language

Conclusion: It is definitely worth watching. Be prepared for some slow scenes and a not-so-satisfactory ending though.

Rating: 7.5/10
Friday, January 05, 2007

Project Superstar 2

din watch project superstar 2 until last week cos i believe that things onli start to get exciting from the semi-finals.. tts when i started my craze for project superstar too..
anyway from their performance right now, im super convinced that the contestants this year cant be compared with e 1st batch of participants.. esp e female contestants..

until now i still dun understand why e female contestants cant sing as well or dun hav e charisma of their male couterparts.. n wonder how some of them can make it to semis in e 1st place..
in terms of singing, i've got several frens tt sing much better than them lor.. although i must admit tt singing well in ktv does not necessarily equals to good performance in contest since they are of totally different settings n e skills/technique required is more than jus pure singing.. but i still cant figure out why despite attending formal training sessions, some of them can still sing out of tune or out of beat..

perhaps i shd jio my frens for the next superstar and see how far they can make it..
Thursday, January 04, 2007


Got a shock this morning when i wanted to bid for my mod..
e browser cant even load CORS webpage and most of the other websites such as Google..
given the recovery of internet service, it did gave me a scare..
realli thankful tt its jus a case of my pc throwing a tantrum.. lol..

anyway after a brief examining of the bidding situation, there are some interesting stuff to share..
1. Modules with ulu timings are super HOT!!
Okay, i must admit that some of these modules are interesting eg cybercrime and forensic science.. At one time, i was considering taking both the mods but kinda put off by their timing cos its from either 6-9pm or 7-10pm!! Hence i decide to give them a miss..
However, right now they are among the hottest mod.. In terms of over-subscription % and next min bid..
Given the lecture time, i realli cant believe that the demand is still ard 25% more than the supply even though the class size is a whopping 400..
I suppose the students think that they can take it and they can make use of the free interval to do concrete stuff.. but as a student who have been being thro, it is hardly the case.. dun overestimate yourself.. lets admit it, we are all humans.. =D

2. New high for highest bid for round 2A- 2500 (approx)
This is from what i saw la.. and it occurs in bidding of a GEM! (pts must be from general account)
gosh, this person must be fulfilling the least requirements for GEM & SS..
or he/she must be taking GEM/SS that cost onli 1 bid pt. if this is true, im at a loss of words..
cos GEM has been super hot for the past 3 sems at least. Previously i still know of people who can bid for a GEM with 1 pt but it somehow has become history.
For me, i alr wasted 350 pts for 1 GEM in my 1st sem and have never accumulated more than 1200 pts in my general account.. dunno why e mods i wan are also e popular ones.. even 'spent' a bomb for a minor mod!! sianz
But at least i can ya-ya about how i can get financial accounting with jus 1 pt.. it has my biggest achievement.. haha
However for now, how i wish i can transfer my pts in prog acct to general acct.. my prog acct has been idle for the past 3-4 sems cos my econs mods are pre-allocated to me.. right now i have 3000 pts with nowhere to spend! if only my prog acct is my general acct.. then i can create havoc *evil laughter*
hmm, maybe the sch admin can innovate the pts sys and make it into a money making route for entreprising students.. i will cfm be one of the 1st participants =P
Monday, January 01, 2007

Musical Monday


行头全部要带齐 点名
准备 跟我上街去游行
BoDy 今天要证明
小老弟 年轻耍酷那一丁点
本领 洗耳恭听
大发善心 收徒弟
I wanna know 你行不行
You gonna know
You gonna know
You gonna know
we got to show
不能乱吃冰淇淋 蒙眼睛
对待所有的敌人 都尊敬
I wanna know 你行不行
You gonna know
You gonna know 我是冠军
You gonna know
we got to show
I wanna know 你行不行
You gonna know
You gonna know
You gonna know
we got to show
I wanna know 你行不行
You gonna know 
You gonna know 我是冠军
You gonna know 
We got to show
I wanna know 你行不行
You gonna know 
WE gonna know 谁是冠军
WE gonna know  
We got to show
we are the world

New Year

here comes 2007..
but i dun feel a thing about this changeover..
to me, its jus another day..
hmm, am i being apathetic or ignorant?

this yr is going to be a happening year for me
one more sem in NUS and i will join the working club..
& right now i have the faintest idea of what im capable of and lacking a vision..
perhaps its high time to seriously consider my future..
hope i wont experience advance quater-life crisis =D

hoping for a healthier and more diligent me
and of course, a better world! (less natural disasters, wars, more compassionate people etc)