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Friday, November 17, 2006

Bush came to NUS yesterday evening..
Actually feel like going for his talk but i wasnt invited n heard there is a long waiting list...
those who are invited are those who went for SEP.. rationale??
cos they are perceived to have a more global mindset..
yeah, damn right..
anyway why I am interested in e talk is cos i thought there will be a Q&A session aft his speech and im really curious wat ques will NUS students ask him.. =D
aft e speech, SX n KKO recites their funny encounters during e long wait (they rot in UCC for 3 hrs for Bush's arrival).. then KL complaining that he look fat on TV while YY was 'caught' dozing off during Bush's speech..
wasted, din hav a chance to watch it..
wonder if there is a repeat telecast of the speech.. *wink*

went dinner wif W, M, N, V & YY last night...
realise this is my first 'outing' with other econs ppl..
oops.. think i realli nid to hang out more.. hee..
anyway was worried initially that i may be e odd one out cos i jus on better terms wif W & V n vaguely know e rest..
but turns out we roughtly hav e same frequency..
hav fun chatting n chilling out =)
but im paying e 'price' now..
EC4394 report still incomplete..
realli think either i hav self control problem or im a naive.. lol..

n jus realise tonight got leonids.. shitto.. i wan to go!!
but one thing i find it strange, i always thought leonids occur during 20+ of nov.. now onli 17 leh... hmm..
its been dunno when since i last star gaze.. haiz..
cannot, dec must go see geminids.. =D

starting exam peparation.. but alr half hearted..
OMG lecturer say cos we are too good such tt he can draw a normal curve, he's gonna set a super tough paper!!! wat e !!!
if we are realli good, then try to give all of us at least a B to recognise our efforts and talent la..
is there realli a need to get all of us disheartened and discouraged?
honours yr is supposed to be competitive wat, cos we are supposed to be e top 20% of our batch mah...
oh no, can foresee sucky grades agn...

One sad news,
Milton Friedman passed away yesterday..
Anyone who take intro econs will heard of him..
He is a monetarist, advocated controlling of money supply (MS) to get an economy going n augmented the famous Philips Curve..
Great Economist, will miss him..