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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Life as an intern

7 days into work and I am never punctual for work… =P the earliest I reach the office is 9.05am… damn…luckily no one reproach me abt this issue, yet.. will try my best to be punctual but it appears to be a daunting task.. waking up is already a tough step for me, still have yet to get used to waking up 1hr earlier than my usual days in school… moreover, the fact that im a nite cat doesn’t help a bit.. all astro fault.. heh..

Anyway few interesting thing I discovered these few days…

1. lots of branded cars ard…
Although I know raffles place is financial centre so obviously the rich will be at the vicinity, im still surprised at the number of posh cars I saw in a few hours.
During lunch hour alone, I once saw three jaguars passing by my office building… not that im a fan of jaguar, in fact I find the design of jaguar rather unappealing… but the frequency of me seeing jaguars ard at my workplace is even higher than the freq I saw them in the supposedly rich mans’ areas such as bukit timah and katong…
Then there is another time when I was eyeing enviously at a convertible BMW, a Porsche or Ferrari is beside it.. omg…ultimate right?? But din have a chance to take a photo cos im crossing the road then.. didn’t want the other ppl to think that im mad…
Then just yesterday I saw a SLK Mercedes parking at the road side when im on my way to buy lunch.. one of my dream car!! Although I saw in everytime I watched Full House (a Korean drama), im still literally drooling cos its just so sleek and cool!!!
I wonder after this internship, wat types of cars will catch my eyes… looks like ive been spoilt by these drivers… hee.. when im working at bt timah 2 yrs ago, all the BMWs, Mercedes and Jaguars “forced” me to push my appreciation of cars to a higher level eg will not go “wow” whenever I see a Jaguar and looking forward to see a Porsche…
this time round, after seeing such a wide range of posh cars, I wonder wat type of cars will make me turn my head in future.. perhaps a Rolls Royce?? Haa.. haven seen another one since I first saw one ard 10 yrs ago… definitely looking forward to see another one again…

2. women in raffles place simply LUV high heel shoes
Definition of high heel shoes = shoes with a heel of at least 3 inches.
Perhaps Yiya is right… from my observations in e 7 days, I have yet to see women in raffles place wearing no heel shoes.. not even those tall women, although they most prob will wear a 2 inch shoe instead. Any reason?? It certainly beats me… but I must agree high heel shoes is a perfect complement for skirts, esp the flowy ones… even I am being influenced.. went out over the weekend and wore my usual low heel shoe and somehow I feel that there is no kick, n wish im wearing the high heel one instead… cant believe it cos ive never wear a pair of high heel before I work in OCBC!!! Not even when I attend grad balls, wedding dinners… and to think that I like high heels and thinking of getting more pairs now (currently I only hav a pair of high heel)… 善变的女人。。 lol..

3. bank staff work OT everyday..
It may be a well known fact but somehow it still surprises me, cos my initial perception is that only the staffs from renowned (aka international) banks will work so hard.. but it seems like the common trend throughout the banking sector.. the only ones that walks out of the office at 6.30pm sharp are mostly the interns!! For the rest of the staffs, it is pretty normal to leave the office at ard 8pm… and some actually came earlier at 8am for work lor… im glad im just an intern now, with no obligation to work OT but wat abt a yr later if I become a staff in one of the banks?? I shudder to think that I will need to work from 9 till 8++, that’s a whopping 11++ hrs!!! how to get a life in this case?? No wonder my frens who are currently working tell me to get rid of books and enjoy as much as possible when in uni… although I did not miss school unlike some of my fellow interns, I do miss the late waking hrs and the outings during the weekday.. =P

And it looks like im the busiest intern at my workplace… just submitted a proposal to my supervisor on Monday and now got another piece of work to do, deadline is today.. (hmm, then what am I doing now ah.. =P) while the others are spending most of the time doing some reading up or doing some editing or jus slacking away.. shd I be glad tt I’ve got work to do or shd I envy them?? Rushing out a proposal in which ur proposed strategies will be considered and perhaps adopted by the bank in future is definitely not an easy task, imagine all the ‘what if’ – what if ur supervisor find it to be a worthless piece of work?? What if the strategies I propose and adopted by the bank turns out to be a failure?? While typing, I am constantly wondering if im on the right track, if what I am proposing is valid, any assumptions and justification etc… feng diao…up till now, no comments from my supervisor yet.. jus hope I can pass this ‘test’… if not I nid to look for other ‘chu lu’ after graduation liao…
oso get a chance to attend meetings alongside my supervisor, really glad that I can have further insights to the operations of banks eg the alliance between different divisions and the constraints faced… BUT I am also assigned some high class ‘sai gang’ – taking the minutes and typing them out later… and as if one is not enough, I nid to type two today cos got 2 meetings today!! Nevertheless, I kind of enjoy the meetings cos at least I can break away from staring at the computer screen.. hee..

ok, lunchtime now.. meeting up with the econs gang ^^ then later back to my work.. got a number of deadline.. aja aja fighting!!!