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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Freedom!!! & Yesh, i get to vote!! =D

have been both looking forward to today and at the same time dread the arrival of today... what a contradiction.. reason being i have 2 papers today, super sianz.. its not the first but fourth time i have 2 papers in a day!!
some of my frens kinda pei fu how i can manage to get by... hmm that's a pretty good question cos i dont know the answer myself =P and it's not as if i did well on these back-to-back papers, just like what happen today.. really dunno what i am writing for the second paper, now can only keep my fingers crossed and relieve that it is all over.. hopefully i can bank on my other modules to pull up my overall grade though im not very optimistic..
was just chatting with my fren over msn just now and she's complaining she's getting tired of studying. well, think there's always a point when we get sick of something.. for me, i need not look further beyond my jc days. it is the period when i almost completely lost interest in my studies. thinking back, i cant seem to pinpoint to any reason to explain this behaviour.. perhaps it's what the chinese says 'wu ji bi fan' cos my jc days is the most hectic times of my life until now such that i start to rebel ba.. and i am amply 'rewarded' by many red lakes until i can count with ten fingers how many tests/ exams i pass in that 2 yrs (excluding A levels). lol
think i am on the verge on repeating history again, kinda dun feel like studying now but the situation isnt as bad. at least im studying modules im interested and not something that is being force down my throat. though i did regret some of my decisions this sem cos level 4 modules are really tough, shouldnt overestimate my ability in the first place, damn.. finally understand why some of my seniors with pretty good grades decide to give honours a miss, go through a year of hell and what do you get in the end?? higher pay?? not really if you work in the private sector.. more knowledgable?? who are you kidding?? i bet most people forget what they learnt after exams..
hmm, enough of my grouses.. let's move on to a more interesting topic.. no prize for getting the right answers.. the GE 2006! im glad that im born at the right time, or rather, the right year ^^ got a rather big sum of cold hard cash from the gahmen and a chance to vote a few months after i reach the age of 21, hee..
was pretty shocked when my mum pass me this last sun...

my family got not one but three of the above brochures!! one for each voter with personalised 'service' somemore.. cos our names and address are pasted at the front, omg.. din realise PAP is so agressive in campaigning..
and this is the first time i am aware of the MPs in my GRC. ok, im not politically apathetic.. i know almost all the cabinet ministers and the repsective ministries they are in charge of but i must admit i onli know a few backbenchers.. the high proportion of minority candidates in my GRC came as a surprise.. its like 50%, wow.. is it bcos Sembawang GRC has a higher percentage of minority residents?? even so, is 50% a tad too high a %?
have yet to see them paying my area of residence a visit.. equally quiet from the opposition party as well, which is quite strange cos i thought the main purpose of SDP came to Sembawang is to ask the Minister of Health to clarify the issue of NKF.. have not seen any exchange of fire yet.. can it be bcos SDP is troubled by the impending legal charges??
looks like the battlefield is much more interesting over at Aljunied GRC with the PM comparing and scruntinising the opposition candidates and the hoo-ha over the submission of the minority candidate application form..
hmm pls dun sue me for my thoughts =P in my opinion, i thought the issue is overblown.. sure, the reputation of the election department might be tarnished if the matter is not settled but is it necessary for the ministers to arrow the candidate after the truth is out and the candidate has apologised?? now with talks that it can be actually a conspiracy, i seriously think it is dragging for too long a period of time and perhaps it's better to drop the issue and move on to have a constructive and interesting debate on the more down-to-earth issues...
this time round, the opposition candidates are definitely more well educated and the views of some of them echoes my thoughts.. so looking forward to see what they can offer. now that ive completed my exams, maybe its time for me to attend some rallys and see how the candidates work the crowds.. hah.. and also help me decide my vote as well..
apparently all my frens who can vote have yet to make up their mind.. cant blame us though, voting certainly warrants careful considerations and the timing of this election is rather inopportune for us cos the campaigning smacks right into our exam period! at least now i have the luxury of time to finally do the things i like.. YAHOO!! and of course, to make up my mind.