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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

at the 4th week of work...

was pleasantly surprised to see an intern joining us on mon, cos i thought all interns start the internship on the same day. anyway e guy will be under my supervior.. yeah!! cos this means less work given to me.. lol..
n this guy super zai lah, pursuing a double honours in econs & law!! the program which i applied last yr but back out after the interview.. hah.. anyway this guy not the shuai ge type but quite gentleman =D can get along lah.. right now, there seems to be more guys in my section.. even then, come to think of it, there is no shuai ge at my level leh =( one fren actually envy me cos she say raffles place more cute guys but i seriously dun think so leh.. only see a few not bad looking guys so far during lunch hours n im already working there for more than 3 weeks!! dunno if i cock eye or my expectation too high, hah..

back to my fellow male colleagues, not exactly the good looking type but hmm, not bad la.. although they at times want me to run some errands or do some sai gang for them, well, which intern doesnt do tt?? right now they are starting to show their humourous and crappy side, which is good cos im oso along tt line too.. heh..
i still rem when one of them was giving out chocolates, he said "eat at ur own risk, i shall not be liable to any gain in weight" (@_@)"'
then another time when most of us, the interns, gather around to do some sai gang, another colleague past by and expressed surprise at the 'world of intern' aka intern assembly line..

seriously think that im e busiest intern at my level. one intern at another section need to approach her supervisor before work is given to her while the other interns seems to have it rather easy as well as 4 of them are working on e same project.. then e new guy intern seems to be involve in the project too.. now they are doing a phone survey and 3 person will be in charge of calling and another 2 will be doing the data analysis.. wah lau, so unfair... i single handedly perform a one man show phone survey last week la, from the drafting of the questions to calling up 150++ ppl.. makes me so utterly sick of pc and phone rite now.. and tts not e end, i oso did data analysis and only slept at 4++am today cos nid to prepare results presentation slides.. ended up drinking intense cum concentrated coffee to perk me up today.. (hmm, how come it is so similar to wat i did on my last day of exam??) dunno if it's good training or what my fren call exploitation..

realise tt its super easy to gain weight if u r working in office.. more likely than not, u r not going to exercise after work esp if u r engaged in ball games.. imagine bringing a racket, ball, a change of clothes and track shoe to work, ma fan.. then weekend is usu filled up with other activities such as frens or family gathering.. no way u can burn the extra calories.. then at work, having fastfood and fried stuff during lunch= high energy intake + chocolates/ snacks at office = big tummy, fat thighs larger waistline etc...
no wonder im getting fatter.. no secrets, i already knew i put on a fair bit of weight somewhere during CNY liao, now its just getting worse.. already more than one fren told me ive got bigger arms and rounder face.. plus all the other hidden areas which i knew has been growing.. its really oh no!!! perhaps i ought to take up other form of sports.. maybe jogging?? but think ive been spoilt by NJ track until dunno feel like joggin anywhere except the track liao.. but argue it another way, its jus excuses.. oh well, looks like i jus nid to put my heart into it before all my clothes are rendered too small for me.. hah