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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Food For Thought





  电视有线频道,最近播出有关珍惜生命的节目,主持人说韩国首尔,有人创办了一所“棺材学院”(Coffin Academy),举办特殊课程,每名学员缴付25美元,就能体验重生的经验,整个课程4小时。






Wednesday, July 27, 2011

now im realli lost :(
just when i thought one bad news is bad enough...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

too mani news..
or rather too mani bad news...

morale of 'stories':
1. don't take things for granted...
this one is really difficult..
on the personal side, how many things have we taken for granted? quite alot i will say.
then what more of a country when there are much more things to take care of??
how can e ppl differentiate noise from real threat?
& worse, what if there is no prior symptoms at all?

2. 欲速则不达
humans are generally impatient..
but at times things just need time to yield results..
so why not find a comfortable pace instead of always chionging??
furthermore, even if hardware is easy to achieve by speeding, software isnt
im all e more surprised that our ancestors 看得比我们还开

Monday, July 25, 2011

Musical Monday

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Food For Thought












Agreed totally with e viewpoint brought up here..

Almost none of my friends has vision other than money..
Then use the money to buy branded goods to pamper oneself and also perhaps to show off?
Are Asians that materialistic?
Or can it be due to the inferiority mindset such that they need physical goods to show others that they have make it?
Reminds me of the time when I'm at Bloor (think of it as Orchard Road in Toronto) with Dear and we were browsing around the branded shops for fun and its the Chinese that are filling up the stores.
At times Dear is the only white customer in the store!!
Really dont feel like im in a western country
I can understand the huge influx of China tourist in cities such as Paris, New York, London but Toronto, which is not a popular tourist destination in the first place, too?!?

& it's also quite a fact that younger Singaporeans tend to lose the hunger/motivation..
too used to 饭来张口, 衣来伸手。。
esp when quite a significant num have maids waiting on them at home..
even i can be lazy at times too..
not too sure about other races so i'll just say that perhaps Chinese parents can learn a thing or two from the Western parents.
If there is anything that they teach their kids well, its independence..
Start donating your wealth away (if you are rich) so your kid wont have the clutch mentality..
'kick' them out of home so they will learn not to take things for granted..
but looking at how the Chinese parents dote on or even spoil their kids, i wonder....
however i will say e situation is not unique to SG, it is also very prevalent in Japan too..
humans are just humans afterall, like to stay inside comfort zone..
so looking ahead, i guess the threats theory abt China & India may not materialise as they also may follow e footsteps of SG & Japan...

Friday, July 22, 2011

one year ago, im not sure what to get..
right now, im still in e same state of mind.. zzz...
do i have a high expectation??

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

at times i cant help but wonder if e gahmen treat e ppl as 3 year old kids..
hello, come on..
NO, yes, a big NO system/structure is perfect..
that's why economics has this cost-benefit analysis mah.. duh..
saying that a nationalise transport sys doesnt work cuz it got its cons DOESN'T mean that e free market right now is not without its flaws!!!
in economics, it is all about weighing the pros and cons and come to a decision..
you can call it the most appropriate or the least bad so can the gahmen justify why the current structure is better than a nationalise one
will be interesting to see where they draw the line though..
cuz i dont have the answer myself.. =D

then come the PG13 rating.. *face palm*
with internet, still need another rating meh??
even R21 is useless cuz i can get so many R21 movies readily online..
seems like e govt still haven wake up to e reality and still living in its ivory tower..

on the international side what caught my eye is the UK phone hacking scandal
i have e mindset that HK paparazzi is e worst but apparently it is not so anymore..
these UK reporters even hack into common people's phone!
got news value meh??
& where's the integrity of reporters?
no wonder the pessimists always say that 世风日下。。。

lastly on personal side, good thing im not any shopping spree..
but i find myself browsing branded bags alot lately..
got vainer after Dear's gift.. lolz..
& watches too..
got several targets in mind le.. sia la..
cuz actualli i dun need those right now...
but its free just looking and lemming right? ;p
well i can get them when i really focus and run hard..
still in gear 1 right now...
Monday, July 18, 2011

Musical Monday

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Food For Thought




  日子看似过得容易,但其实不简单。每个人都有自己的难处,却又只看到别人的好。看到别人的好,想到自己的难,那一点点 赞语或鼓励的话就吝啬说不出口了。干吗给别人锦上添花呢?谁又会想说,谁也不过只是要那么点赞语,让日子好过一些罢了。我们都不愿别人的日子比自己强太多 吧。

  念书的日子结束了。帮孩子们温书的日子也结束了。接下来就是收拾行装的日子。日子一天天过去。似水流年。我们的青春和梦也这样子一 天天流走。收拾行装总是心情起伏的。那标志着一个结束也标志着一个开始。心里就想着那一切正在结束中的千丝万缕,还有正在展开中的一点一滴。正在展开的生 活不知道为什么,在脑海里总形成水滴一样的景象,一点一滴一颗颗亮闪闪的水珠。那水珠终究会汇集在一起,变成江河向自己涌来,很快地,就会在新的生活里浮 沉了吧。

  生活就是这样子一段段的。一个地方的生活代表了一个段落。好像每一段都可以总结点什么。怎么样?三年香港的生活得到什么?失去 什么?达到什么?这些问题是在准备应征新工作的演讲稿吗?“我们都很认真地在过生活,认真努力地过每一段。快乐难过愤怒兴奋……都是认真地、掏自内心地过 来的。”这样的答案也只对自己有意思而已。

  那天看某日本电影,说一对在城市里生活的夫妻厌倦了人挤人、人推人的物质生活,便跑回乡下的 小屋子开了间店,种了一院子的花草和蔬果,过没有名牌没有霓虹灯的日子。我便突然想到外公了。想到外公在下雨的午后,躲在池塘边的小木屋里,蹲在那里不知 道做什么。小孩子的我伏在窗前看雨点滴滴答答落满窗外一片绿油油的乡间景色。那是新加坡七八十年代的乡村。乡村没有了,外公不在了。我想念那个下午的木 屋。想回去躲一躲。

  我们都想躲一躲吧。但都躲错了地方。拥挤的城市和网上,都不会有可以栖息的空间。表面的交流和快速得不知所以然的接 触只能是这样子钩一下,那样子挑一下人的情绪而已。我想念那个锌板屋的外婆的小房间。夜里外面不知名的昆虫“咔咔”地叫,我们躺在地上的铺盖上,望着点燃 的蚊香一缕香烟袅绕。谧静的湿润的空气,在梦境与现实之间荡漾的我。平静的我。

  收拾行装的日子很快就会过去。新的生活很快就会将我吞 噬。周围的一切都在改变,急速地改变。有时候我想,或许对我们过往的那点依恋,是我刻意的不变。怎么飞,怎么飘,我还是可以回头望你。像风筝的线一样,有 时候远些有时候近些,但总是不轻易断的。到最后也就只剩下回忆中的、脑海中的,最真实,最可靠,最容许一个人驻足、栖息了。      (传自香港)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

super hate it when im accused of doing something/not doing something when the fact is the reverse & then got into a heated argument... wtf?!

& don't expect people to respect you just bcos you are older..
you yourself didn't set a good example and expect people to follow e 'ideal rules'?!

come on now, pls wake up from your dream...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

when i heard news of Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung seperating, i thought its just mere rumours.. now that news has been verified im kinda surprised cuz the couple has been one of the role model couples in e HK showbiz

感情说变就变, 现代人就真的这么无情?
真能做到快刀斩乱麻, 说断就断??


& Singapore going back to Malaysia Cup.
Yay, at least got decent local football for me to watch! =D
how will the Lions fare?
will it revive our iconic Kallang Wave?
Let's see e results of Singapore vs Malaysia for World Cup Qualifier as a preview..

finally i wonder if sg males have the male superiority mindset tt hold females back..
yet another SEA country with a female leader..
First Philippines, now Thailand. Even Myanmar has a famous opposition 'leader'
Sg has no lack of capable females, surely we can match them?
But why aren't we??
Monday, July 11, 2011

Musical Monday

Sunday, July 10, 2011

但每当我知道同龄的朋友们一个个结婚生子时, 却不禁感到一丝丝的惆怅与伤感。。。




Saturday, July 09, 2011

Food For Thought
















Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Missing Dear & Toronto.. :(

looking at e photos bring back all e sweet memories

am seriously thinking should i go over to join him there

i can foresee myself for e long term minus e winter (at least for now)
what attracts me is the level of comfort..
the pace of life is not as hectic, i wld say just nice for me..

furthermore, e people there are friendlier too..
i have complete strangers patiently rendering me help when im finding my way
& if the Japanese set the bar for service to be high, the Canadians aren't that far behind..
the service that i received are good and there isn't an incident where i was ignored etc
Singaporeans, pls buck up..
Or shd i say e PRCs in Sg instead??
Monday, July 04, 2011

Musical Monday

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Food For Thought














Friday, July 01, 2011

back in singapore and having jet lag.. sianz
seems like i need to travel more.. lolz.

& i must say i have a good flight back..
prefers to have a 16+3 flight to a 12+7 flight
cuz i find myself counting down every so often when im going from tokyo to toronto & getting bored after on e plane for 7 hours prior..

then get to strike up a good chat with e passenger beside me while on the flight to HK..
flying is a good way to enlarge one's international circle of friends =D

might sound sua gu here but i board a A380 from HK to SG!!
though it's a bad idea to transit in HK cuz e air traffic is so busy that delays are very common
both my flights are delayed by one hour each..
a little good news for me cuz i get to tour e duty free shops there which i didn't really get a chance to when im last there..
& A380 is thumbs up!!
more comfy seats and very quiet when flying
i also got reminded why SIA remains one of e most highly rated airlines in e world on e flight back.
before e flight took off, one steward (i suppose it's e main steward) asked if i order seafood meal. i almost forget that i did and no other airlines prior confirmed with me on that and i went thinking 'dun tell me they really give me seafood meal later'
which they did!! & before everyone else too! =P
so moral of story: if u wanna get VIP treatment, order seafood meal. but valid for SIA flights only
& not just e main dish is seafood (which is prawn + scallop pasta), even e appetizer is seafood too (salmon salad)!
then e air stewardess automatically offers me white wine to go with my meal.. :)
but all e good impression is spoilt by the landing which is a heavy thud and the impact is so unpleasant that a baby started crying right after landing..
am i a picky passenger? haa

& my luggage is damaged again.. zzz
hope i can get a new one for free.. hehe

can it be due to the weight of e luggage?
cuz its exactly 20.0kg when i checked in =D

i suppose i bought too mani bottled items back..
even Dear is shocked that i bought so much..
but when there is such good sales around, it's hard to resist :p

in fact i could have spent much more on everything if i didn't control..
Canada's pricing may not be as cheap as the US but for the US/Euporean brands, some are still cheaper than Singapore and some are not available here
only downside is the non-refundable 13% GST =(

then slowly but surely, my collection of cups and plush toy is increasing
got a panda in HK and now a moose from Toronto
plus one cup in Tioman and 2 cups from Toronto..
& i still thinking of getting a snowman plush toy.. lolz..
jialat, not enough free space for them liao..