apparently i've been missing out on quite a number of happening events since i left for HK..
alright, i watched a short telecast of the royal wedding over a TV in a 茶餐廳 when im having supper on fri nite & heard about the youtube song cum video as the wedding present for Prince William on fri morning in 深圳..
but what i din manage to know until on my return flight is Mr Low is leading a team to contest Aljunied GRC and this team is an A* team..
wow, it certainly upped the intensity of this upcoming election!!
& my FB homepage is full of comments/notes abt e various parties/GE
now i wanna get a piece of e action.. hee
didn't wanna come back to sg...
i wan more shopping!!! =P
yay yay yay!
i got to vote in e coming elections!!
& this time round the opposition party is also fielding quality candidates..
perhaps i really need the cooling day to seriously think it over..
just when i think 7 may might be too rush a time for elections as e gahmen prob wants e undergrads to vote wisely, it is now the E day...
& 5 years back, its 6 May the E day..
anyone like to bet e next GE date? =P
shd i say tt i practiced singaporean's kiasu-ism to great heights??
these are e magazines i bought during e past month..
to get e following freebies...
okay, there are 2 magazines i bought cos i wanna read them & not bcos of e goodies..
tho there are 4 which i bought solely for e freebies..
& doing a calculation, it is actualli not tt cheap..
all these cost me close to $100
time for a rethink??
esp e jap magazines.. right now im not impressed by e bags tt are given out free...
& i realise perhaps im a hoarder as well, after one tidying up session of my warerobe..
dun think i shd run amok when i go HK next week...
seriously dun need more new items with e exception of shoes for now & probably 1 or 2 branded bags to pamper myself(??)
so its jus eating & more eating there =P
but can i really resist e tempetations??
& speaking of eating, somehow im getting more & more disappointed with e food i got recently..
seems like most food suffered a drop in standard..
Eg 1: e famous chicken rice @ Bishan..
the rice is not as fragrant and abit dry
Eg 2: Milk tea from Muji
this is one milktea i love and when i dun feel like queuing for KOI, it is a good alternative minus e pearls..
but right now, e milky taste is gone =(
Eg 3: fried prawn noodle @ Seah Im Food Centre
was recommended to it by one of my frens several years back..
& now e noodle is not as soft and taste bland..
perhaps it's just a one-off thing (i wont expect everything to be perfect everytime, e normal curve exists for everything), or maybe my expectations had gone up??
i just hope e food providers will continue to put in e effort to serve good food, ur efforts would not go unappreciated..
& back to current affairs..
looking at all e new candidates put forth by PAP, i will say im impressed by some of them..
but one thing i cant help to notice is tt a majority are from the public sector.. plus quite a number of scholarship holders..
is this e kind of diversity PAP wants??
is this considered diversity to the general public??
at least to me, it is not exactly e kind i have in mind..
& also not forgetting e 'which sch they go to argument' i pit forth 5 years ago..
it still rings true now..
even tho i consider myself to be a heartlander, i realise at times my behaviour, thinking etc differs quite a fair bit from peers who did not went thro e same 'good sec sch to branded jc to local uni' route & at times try as i might, their actions etc baffles me to some extent..
don't like to think that e candidates will be in ivory tower but there is this possibility
& sidetrack a little to mention abt Ms Tin.. e points by several senior PAP members saying why she shd stay in GRC as a response to a petition going on to place her in a SMC reminds me of e infant industry argument...
& is it an admission tt e GRC system has deviated from its original intention/objective??
finally cant help but look at e spoken language proficiency of e candidates & realise a handful of e chinese speaks zero dialect..
not tt it is e prerequisite tho kinda feel sad tt e speak chinese campaign is kinda a victim of its own succcess (or did it even succeed in e first place?)
somehow e more i learn of a dialect, e more i find it beautiful..
& hokkien/teochew is actually a much closer version of e chinese spoken by e ppl in china back in e Tang/Song Dynasty!!!
e mandarin spoken now is e manchu/beijing (okay i admit this one confuses me) version & it would have been Cantonese being e 'Mandarin' right now if it din lose by just one vote back in 1911/1912...
jus feel that we sg chinese ought to treasure more of this culture heritage brought by our forefathers...
somehow i think human's thinking that we can be God and try to act against nature is something i beg to differ...
this perception cant be more evident in e issue of procreation...
read quite a fair bit in recent years about how some middle age Asian 名人 trying their hardest to get a child and their success/failures..
if they belong to the category where they met & dated their right one for e past 1-3 years, im fine cos i know bearing a child is not a small matter and anyone will like to hav a child with e right person..
unfortunately these ppl belongs to e category where they hav dated each other for e longest time (say 6 years and more) and jus decided to go for a child in their late 30s/well into 40s.
this is one which i don't have empathy for..
i suppose its common sense to everyone tt femals hav a bio clock and the threshold age is 35. males hav too but heard e age is prob 40.
this means tt even if a child is conceived after this age, e quality is probably not as good..
if these ppl hav alr been tgt for years and even alr have tied e knot, i dun understand why dont they start e procreation earlier??
is it realli that worth it to pursue career at e expense of a family??
time waits for no man!!
somehow i feel tt reproduction is similar to investment, e best time to do it is usu yesterday/last week/last month/last year...
japan revised e nuclear crisis to the highest grade 7..
kinda surprises me tt e matter is still not resolved & actually worsen after one month..
or is e japan side not forthcoming in e first place?
reminds me that china has been arrowed for not revealing the actual stats on several occasions..
& now even japan?
or perhaps i shd have expected it looking at her attitude towards WWII..
人到了瓶颈也未尝不是好事,下一个动作最好就是飞出瓶口。乐观的人说,飞出瓶口就海阔天空,天有多高就可以飞多高,离开那封闭的瓶子,地有多远就可以走 多远,远得不再回头。悲观的人说飞出瓶口,那会消失无踪;殊不知,消失也是自由,化成灰,化成风,成为气态的生存,精灵般的生活着。
最 无法度的是人到了瓶颈,还要留在瓶子内,我明明是无回旋的余地,还要自得其乐。有时想冷却自己,宁静得没有杀伤力;有时要冲破瓶子,可是哪来这样大力度。 好!不如加强热度,奢望化成核子爆炸物,同归于尽;成为福岛第一核电站,爆炸!但爆炸后就要被放弃。心想能成为最后一种状态就能鞭策历史。
有说:“禅是一种心灵之道,一种人生态度,一种思维方式,一种审美感受;禅是一杯茶,一首诗,一幅画,一本书…… 禅是一种当下的美妙存在。”早上搭德士,车上播放佛曲,好像在说人生如何走来。我问开车师傅,这词曲从何而得,他说从“净土”而来,他问我会太大声吗?我 说不会,词写得很好,曲也谱得宁静。他说你是佛教徒,我说我是基督徒!
传道书说:“虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空,人一切的劳碌,就是他在 日光之下的劳碌,有什么益处呢?一代过去,一代又来,……弯曲的不能变直,缺少的不能足数。”换句话说,已经过去的事重新再来,许多的事我们也无能为力, 那为什么要劳苦呢?传道人说上帝叫人劳苦,使他们在其中受经练,那就是说人来世间走一回,必要经历这历练。但劳苦担重担的,可以到神那里得安息!
易 一
往年的惯例是:每逢春节到来,百物“趁机”起价,之后就一直卡在原位,不曾随着春节的落幕调回原价。如今有了新 例,即佳节还不曾到来,就已盛传衣食住行成本将节节扳高的“警讯”,要每个“活口”做好充分心理准备,重要的还是预先进行“瘦身”运动,以免临危措手不 及,不知如何继续“摸石过河”才好。
以金本位为基础的币值由于含金量不断流失,时值相应折损;做为国际流通货币的美元,如今又由于一再“量化”,大量“注水”供应,而激化以美元为核算的原 材料/原产品的成本攀升,更进一步驱使币值含金量递减。“数字游戏”、市场波动莫测高深,“蚁民”本来一概不懂,也漠不关心,但“落实”到衣食住行的每一 个具体项目,挤压到人人存活的“一线天”,大伙儿难免切肤之痛与忐忑不安日以继夜盘踞不去。
“水涨船高”展现眼前的新一轮景象使人明 了:自然生态遭受破坏肇致全球气温变暖,而气温变暖又肇致全球水位增高——大势逆转无门,一叶扁舟连带舟中的“船民”从兹也就落在风口浪尖上,欲下不能。 一觉醒来,你我这才发觉:“钱可以通神”的日子已成过去,认为钱决定一切,只要有钱就可随心所欲买到任何东西的“常态”甚至倒转过来,显示钱未必能够买到 你所看中的东西,纵使能够买到,你也必须付出更多的代价。阁下当年以约合现在四分之一“低价”买到的一栋房子,趁着房价飙升的良机“高价”出手,看似着实 大大赚了一笔,殊不知经过这么多年来,钞票悄悄地又一点一滴地持续贬值,钱越来越cheap已是不争的事实/趋势,因此只要稍加核算一下,你可能就会发觉 你引为得意的“高价”,一经“缩水”的币值“抵销”后,和当年的“低价”又有什么实质的差距?接下来你可能还会吃惊:你以现在的“高价”也未必能够买到当 年“低价”的同一栋房子,毕竟今钞并非昔钞,货品自然“时价”不同。
咖啡、茶水每杯起价一角,没得商量;鸡饭、叉烧饭、云吞面、虾面每 盘/每碗分别起价三角至五角,没得商量;其他与接着下来还有什么东西……没得商量,CPI的每月/常年增幅又达到多少百分点……没得商量。除非阁下下定决 心从此不食人间烟火,否则还是只好持续“处变不惊”撑到最后一口气方了。