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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Food for Thought



   见我不答,朋友又追问道:“真的,你的人生还有什么遗憾吗?有什么事你想要做的,结果又没有?做人不要太贪心哦。”我认认真真地思考了她的问题,思考了 几个星期以后,我想,如果真要说有什么遗憾的话,那就是我让自己安安全全地生活到今天,理性远胜于感性地,按部就班地,生活到今天。



   或许在内心深处,我是羡慕你的。表面上,我觉得你浮夸,装腔作势,和谁都那么搂抱在一起,无聊的热情泛滥。但其实,或许我们都是羡慕你的。羡慕你总是可 以那么不顾一切地,不管旁人说些什么地,去追求自己想要的东西。你不是没有办法走那条安全的康庄大道,每一个新加坡进名校的孩子们都走的那条笔直的,明亮 的柏油马路。但是你没有。

  因为想体验生活,你可以半途辍学;因为想生命五光十色,你可以丢开凡夫俗子的追求。你看起来那么任性,你看起 来就像是在生活的海洋里,勇敢地随波逐流。随着波浪,又追逐着波浪的那一头。你这个女人,真是懂得生活。因为在波浪里,不像我们这些小心翼翼的家伙只懂得 站在船上观望,所以你学会了跟谁都打交道的道理。有时候你踏上别人的风帆走一程,有时候你跳上哪个人的游艇,有时候是大船,有时候是一叶扁舟,有时候什么 也不是,你就在大海里拼命地浮着游着。





Tuesday, May 26, 2009

aftermath of tioman

after coming back from tioman, got 2 extreme response from ppl who knew me..
one camp insisted tt i got too dark for my image le while e other camp claim tt i din realli get any darker.. hmm perhaps im kinda tan to start with ba, so cant realli see e difference.. but one place where e difference is obvious.. my legs, it went from an slight yellow skin tone to a brown tone.. easily 2 shades darker.. not tt im complaining though, cos i look quite good with tan legs, din look so fat =P
& my face started peeling on sat! luckily after applying green tea mask tt night, e peeling stop.. heng.. i dun wan to look like some weirdo, haha
& my back started peeling also.. strange.. i thought both my face n back din get burnt leh.. then my body still continue peeling despite me applying olive oil for 2 days le.. shitto.. nid to stay away from sleeveless top for the time being..
n my sun burnt area (yes, i got burnt at a veri-hard-to-imagine area when i actualli thought my back calves will get burnt cos they hurts alot while im sea shell picking on day 2) finally get healed.. *yay*
never underestimate the sun man..

n for my weight, i've gained 2 kilos to 45 now..
realli think my weight like ballon.. can inflate n deflate easily one..
3 more kgs to my ideal weight.. eat more n exercise more!! =D
Monday, May 25, 2009

Musical Monday







Friday, May 22, 2009

im back!

2nd time to tioman and still loving it & missing it..

write up on wat i did during the 4d3n there.

day 1
arrived at tioman at ard 1.45pm.. its still e same old familar place - paya beach
but im staying at e other resort - paya beach resort instead..
check into e room and its definitely one of the best rooms i've been to at a beach!! e bed is super comfy n e room got tt hotel smell!!

went for lunch and it brews e joke of e day or even yr..
e menu got this dish called "KG fried rice"
guess wat that is?
its kampong fried rice la..
then when ordering, someone actualli said "er, i want 1 k-g fried rice"
me, ning, SQ were quite stunned when hearing tt and trying hard to stop our giggles.
then guess wat happen next?
e boss told us they ran out of rice then JY immed response is "huh? so fast ar? issit bcos someone else ordered 2 k-g fried rice?"
this time we dun bother to hide the laughter... =P

aft lunch, rested for a while before hitting the beach.. went snorkelling with celine and went quite far.. thanks to celine cos i still dun realli dare to venture out alone.. realise i cant 'flip' myself n then 'walk' in water which means i cant take a break/breather so was with celine all e while..
& e underwater world is realli nice!! pity dun have an underwater camera..

thereafter its dinner time for us.
after dinner its supposed to be ob but e sky remains cloudy all night long (no surprise cos it has been drizzling all e while since we arrived) so it was cancelled =(
so end up go hav a beer (i think this one dun need intro la ba cos e other time i think i got mention tt e beer are super cheap there, i bought a hoegarden for RM5.50 onli!!!) then went to play board games with e astro ppl for an hour or so and then went to sleep

day 2
a host of surprises/weird incidents await

went to snorkelling at offshore islands @ 9am, went there by speedboat.. totally different experience from my last yr experience..
& luckily unlike e prev day, its a bright n sunny day!

first we went to tulai island
e underwater world at offshore islands are much better, as expected..
too bad im realli bad at fishes so cant type out the kind of fish i saw

then we set off to pasir panjang beach which i suppose its at tulai island..
that's where we took quite a num of pictures at e beach cos its e perfect scenery!! clear water, clear blue sky, well defined white clouds & of course a big sun!
then we were joking tt coco is veri 幸福 cos he is surrounded by 4 gals
tt's when jay say he even better cos he is surrounded by 6 gals.. *diao* like tt also wanna compare, esp when both of them are attached..
& tts when i realise we forget to include weiding all along..
poor him...
but must realli thank him cos most of e photos at e beach are taken by him.
& due to e photo taking im known by some as e gurl with a pink Lumix.. hmm..

with tt, we proceed to having lunch @ salang... quite a nice place n we met kittens tt know how to pose for e camera! =D
due to time constraint, din get to explore salang.. quite sad cos heard good reviews abt there but manage to do a little bit of shopping.. lolz..

aft salang we are off to marine park
wa, the fishes there are realli well fed.. so super big..
then coco decides to be naughty and started throwing bread crumbs towards me n celine so tt we will be surrounded by a lot of fishes.. *evil*

final place we went is renggis island
e boat driver was mentioning tt with luck we can see sharks there but we saw none
however, 2 of our boat mates spotted a shark.. luckily they were jus snorkelling so e shark din saw them.. hahah
actualli thought tt e corals at renggis are better
think there are more types of fish there too and also saw alot of sea urchins and sea cucumbers

when we are back to paya, me, ning n SQ went to e beach to pick sea shells & i pick up a starfish!!
went back for a short while cos we were getting burnt so me n ning went back to room to reapply sunblock before going to e beach again.

tts when i saw 2 guys taking photos. for a good 10-15 min, e guy tts posing is quite a perfectionist n kept telling his fren (i suppose) to retake when his fren told him the pic is abit blur.. also dunno why this guy has such lousy skills.. & i like to stress tt im NOT eavesdropping!! i was a good 10-15m away but their voices were just too loud which given my good sense of hearing, im forced to hear their conversation.
then cos its near sunset, apparently they wanted to take sunset photos but this guy was like 'cannot, too bright le.. got a line etc..'
this time i realli cant stand le cos i took some realli nice pic of e sun last yr so i was telling them 'actualli you can, i took it before n its realli nice'
then this 2 guys started whispering (finally) among themselves but which i still hear some words here n there (dunno why my hearing so good or they are just simply too loud) n they were actualli saying something negative abt me like why i so kpo etc n i realli flare up inside.. hello??!! who were e ones tt were talking so loud tt im forced to hear wat they were saying??!!
n i realli cant stand tt guy n was merely trying to help so tt you wont regret not trying to take photos of e sun cos tioman indeed has one of e most beatiful sunset i've seen n this is wat i get in return?!! wah lau eh.. idiotic spore guys (from their conversation, they are 100% from spore.. but whether they come together with nus astro i dunno liao, din even bother to see how they look in e 1st place), like i like to chap in wat u do.. pls lor..

aft an uneventful dinner (though e remy burger is realli good) i went back to room for a short rest before going for e ob.. e sky is better tt night, though still cloudy at times..
so me n ning used one of this 'break' to buy beer n when walking on e beach, saw a cat sitting on a beach rock (its low tide at night n tts where these rocks comes to surface) n were wondering issnt cats afraid of water? n then e cat jumped to another rock which is even nearer to e sea.. wa, since when cats also has 心事, even to e extent of 想不开? =D
then we also saw 'writing' cum drawings on e sand, quite creative leh.. spent so much time doing such a big creation..

before we went to e ob site, we went back to room to get insect repellent.. sort of cant stand the sand flies n when we reach our block i heard some noise behind me n before i can react, 4 cows just walk past n were eating grass beside my block!! lou dao n celine came back to their rooms at e same time n were equally stunned by e sight.. & lou dao was joking tt 'now we knew where our remy burger beef came from...'

however, the clouds set in at around midnight so we went back to sleep @ 1am..

day 3

aft breakfast, me n ning continue our seashell picking, with additions of SQ, celine, CY & wendy.. but first we decide to walk over to a small offshore island off paya beach since its low tide.. over there its quite rocky n e sand is veri soft.. i can do a little 'bouncing' over there.. lol.. then e rocks are slippery with some sharp edges.. almost slipped n fell a few times when i tried to go over e rocks or posing on e rocks to take pics.. but fortunately my braking skills is not bad.. heh & from there, we can see another kampong! not too sure though, but from e angle thought i saw another resort..

when e tide started coming in at ard 10am we decide to head back to e main island since its an impromptu decision n none of us is prepared to swim over during high tide.. =D anyway there is a stream near e offshore island n i initially thought tts sea water but when me n celine tasted it its actualli spring water!! not exactly sweet but its veri fresh n cooling! surprise, cos i thought e sea water alr 'polluted' e spring water.. & we found some big beatuiful shells which expectedly inhibited by hermit crabs =.=" even a veri small one tt we found is also home to a veri small crab *diao* then i was saying can i transfer e crab to another plain looking shell n SQ say can but quite tough cos e crabs also quite picky one.. given a choice they will prefer condos instead of kampong anytime.. so there goes e pretty shells.. hmph

thereafter i join e nus astro ppl on trekking.. 1st part of e journey is rather uneventful, we merely walked to find waterfall.. but cos no one knows e exact route, we decide to head back aft trekking for ard 1.2km.. n dunno why this part of journey took us ard 45 - 50 min.. were we so slow? i realli cant remember.. then on e return part, we got lost right from e start cos we took a wrong turn!! hence for e next 20 -25 min, we were trying to get back to the right track.. but its also then tt we saw a huge willow growing on an XXXL boulder n its roots covered the boulder almost completely! & e weird thing is we saw a ladder lying against e boulder.. who placed the ladder there? & what's the purpose? hmmm..

were glad to have guys with quite good memory n sense of direction so we din remain lost for extended period of time.. seriously aft all e walking, all e trees look e same to me leh.. e onli iconic items i remembered during e 1st part are the boulders and there are several of them so i also cant tell which is which le.. wonder how e guys remember.. perhaps result of going to NS.. ^^

at e end, we took a rest at e small rock fall n eve & jash and a few others started playing with the water.. i din get to play cos im in track pants so decide to just go over to the rocks in e middle of e fall but i somewhat slipped n end up e my right foot got soaked in water.. idiot.. but e water is realli cooling.. heh..

went for lunch aft tt n initially we wanted to go to another kampong to trek to e opposite side/coast of tioman but all of us were realli tired (more due to previous day snorkelling) so we gave up e idea so until now i still haven see e waterfall.. haiz..

anyway i went to rest for a while n play with a cat tt found its way to celine's room.. & its real cute.. it actualli shifted its position according to the movement of e sun.. looks like it is enjoying its sunbathing.. lol.. think i interrupted its sleep when i walked to e balcony so it wasnt veri friendly..

laze around at e beach in e afternoon playing frisbee and volleyball.. its not easy to play beach volley on a slope and with e sand full of some seeds tts quite hairy.. wonder why such trees were planted in e 1st place.. then on e way back to my room, i saw e cat tt i played with at celine's room.. this time round, it is sleeping in front of another chalet.. then before i knew it, i become a cat masseur.. *diaoz* for a good 15 -20 min, i was massaging its neck and apparently it like it so much tt it turned and shifted its position for several times & even tilt its head up to expose more of its neck area for me to massage.. until e guy who was playing volleyball with us earlier was asking if im e owner of e cat.. *dot* onli consolation: my massage skills not bad.. hahah

e sky is fantastic tt night.. & i saw meteors before midnight!!! ^^ not much la, 2-3 onli.. then 2nd night also got saw 1-2 ba.. anyway its quite rare tt u can see meteor at this timing if its not any meteor shower period. & this is also in spite of frequent lightning we saw a fair distance away! fortunately the clouds stayed away n i can see e full URSA major on top of my head right at e resort with all e light pollution.. stars galore for us man.. can afford not to stargaze until Aug/Sep liao.. tts when perseus n pegasus make their way to e late summer sky..

day 4

supposed to set off at 1pm but was informed on day 3 tt there has been changes n we'll be taking e 9.30am ferry instead.. so end up do a bit of last min shopping and followed by some photo taking before we head back to spore..
& e ferry is late lor.. so while waiting for e ferry we decide to feed the fishes.. coco first buy a loaf n then another loaf.. see how bored we are? initially we tore e bread into small pieces then into e sea. but somehow later it evolve to throwing e full piece of bread, esp when we see e ferry coming.. hope e fish dun die of being overfed.. lolz..
& i actualli forget to bring my pack of small shells home.. sad.. wrap them up in tissue paper then later conveniently thought tt its rubbish so left it on e table.. sianz..
shd be coming back again but next time will most prob go to another kampong le..
looking at either salang or genting..
& must brush up on my swimming so tt i can go diving next time
& also get some alcohol back.. a bit regretted not buying e miniature vodka bottles.. nvm at least still can get at DFS..
but i realli want to see e sea turtle n shark when i come here next time or at redang!! ^^

& now photos time!! got quite a num of hot babes n hunks.. lolz..
can view e full album here: http://s555.photobucket.com/albums/jj454/hazeynutt/Tioman%20180509%20to%20210509/

top (from left): me, ning
bottom (from left): SQ, JY

Top (from left): me, coco aka longkao aka lancome, irene, celine
Bottom (from left): sharon, derrick aka lou dao, ning