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Thursday, September 28, 2006

lazy me..

other than the intense reading up for mon proj meeting, i hav been slacking my hols away.. n it oso din help tt i went out everyday.. cos returning home = no mood to do work = watch tv, msn till wee hours.. *faint*

went to SID talk with yiya yesterday.. one of the most informative talks.. its nice chatting with e ppl and really get to know more their jobs.. n they realli live up to e name of intellengence officers, even their door gift is so sophisticated.. n Marina Mandrin Hotel gives me e 'wow' factor.. 1st thing i noticed is the height of e building n how green it is.. then i heard birds chriping... actually thought its my ears imagination, next thing i thought its recorded sound.. its only when i saw cages on e level when i realise how wrong i am.. e birds are so pretty!! too bad they are in mid air and im short.. hmph..

after e talk, jus happen to pop by Charles & Keith and it was onli then i realise tt i can wear pointed shoes.. i kinda resisted to try any pointed shoe cos my feet are quite big n fat and was afraid that e pointed portion will hurt my feet a lot.. realli a matter of 'you never know until u try'.. shd learn to be more adventurous/ risk loving.. then VNC having sale!!! loves their shoes lots.. wah, make me got a new item on my 'want' list.. a pair of chic pointed high heel (closed front, open back) to wear to future interviews.. cant believe tt im falling in love with high heels instead of clothes (cos im more of a clothes person) n tt i hav little interest to shop nowadays.. issit due to e never ending sch work? i din hav an ans too.. of course, my top priority is still to get a digital camera with lotsa optical zoom =P

today finally met up with e interns.. planned for a ktv session initially but has to cancel due to too few ppl able to make it.. but nonetheless we meet up for an all-gurls dinner.. =) all e guys dunno why so busy.. wonder if LX n XJ got this disease from Josh.. lol.. nevertheless have a great time chatting, gossiping.. but forget to take photos.. only realise on e way home.. never mind, still got next time.. hee.. n looks like CPM got a few changes liao.. someone left, new staffs, new interns (but FK says they are not as fun n active as us =D).. hope that some of them will come down for e OCBC talk on mon so i can catch up with them..
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekend Special: Drama Review 8 - Princess Hours (Goong)

Shin Chae Kyung: Yoon Eun Hye
Lee Shin: Joo Ji Hun
Lee Yul: Kim Jung Hoon
Min Hyo Rin: Sung Ji Hyo

Romantic relationships, political wars and the realization of what the heart truly wants.. these are the main themes of this drama, which is based on a mang-hwa (Korean manga), also by the same name, about a normal teenager and her life as she marries into the Korean Monarchy.

Above quoted from: http://www.spcnet.tv/reviews/review.php?rID=1307

This is the first drama which i can manage to complete 3 other dramas (La Femme Despardo, War & Beauty, Forensic Hero) in between the series.. It certainly says something about it.. perhaps it is due to the fact that i alr knew some of the storyline and ending before starting to complete the whole series.. but it is also the rather slow pace of the story that somehow did not maintain my interest...

You can say that this drama is the Korean version of 'Meteor Garden', except that there are only 2 male lead in the series. hmm, i shall not compare these 2 dramas cos i feel that they are somewhat different. wat i like to say is that this drama has too many familar storylines. actually its all rite to copy n improvise but the pity is that it did not surpass the previous romantic comedy such as Sweet Bride 18..

Furthermore, the story is kinda slow.. it gets better in the middle of the series (from epi 5 onwards) but it simply drags towards the end of the show (from epi 19).. in my opinion, the story goes on for the sake of going on.. wonder if it is due to the director extending the drama but ran out of twist and turns.. (it is initally planned to be a 20 epi drama)

However, there are some merits to the drama too.. as with other korean dramas, the romantic scenes are good! how i wish i can be the female lead and have such a hunk as husband/friend!! =P the light hearted scenes are funny and also sent me rolling on the floor.. and i also fell in love with the teddy bears!! they are soo adorable!! kawaii des!!

for the scenes of the palace, they are beautiful and magnificent. the producers sure put in lotsa effort in creating the appropriate ambience. the background music is a plus too, adds on to the feel of most of the scenes.. costume wise, i feel that it is jus average. although Shin and Chae Kyung are rather well dressed most of the time, there are some flops too.. eg polka dot shirt for Shin, some flair tops and dresses which Chae Kyung don but din manage to bring out the beauty of them.. think the problem is more serious for Shin, until my sis say he ought to change his warerobe.. on the other hand, i lurv Chae Kyung shoes!! i definitely need one of those pairs since im kind of vertically challenged.. heh

finally how i can not mention the male leads!!! the sight of them makes me weak, esp Yul's worried/painful look and his megawatt smile!! lol.. in real life, Kim Jeong Hoon is definitely a good catch! not only does he have the looks, he also got the brains and talent!! he can sing well and is one of the member in the now-disbanded UN. furthermore he is once a dentistry student in Seoul National University (top Korean uni)!!! *Faint* why is heaven so unfair?? now he is my ideal/perfect one with the 4 'got'/'have'.. hee..

actually Shin is also quite shuai, but jus dunno why he dun really look good during the first half of the drama.. so he only started to get appreciated by many towards the end which is a pity.. furthermore i also think he doesnt appear to be too good looking in most photos too.. hmm, perhaps its e problem of angles??

all in all, if you like to drool over yandao, this is the drama to watch.. lol.. however if you are looking for interesting story, i think this drama is not for you.

Photos credits: www.soompi.com/forums "Goong" thread, www.imbc.com

Rating: 7/10
Thursday, September 21, 2006

turbulent world...

jus when the focus of the past week has been on the IMF-WB meetings in spore as well as Taiwan demostrations, Thailand had a coup & Hungary saw the largest demostration since 1989...

im one who is rather easily affected by what i saw on tv.. thus whenever i came across such news, my heart cant help but sink.. why is it that the world cant have a day of peace??

i understand that the opposition in Thailand has been quite intense since Apr but is there a need to go to the extent of a coup, given that an election will be held in around 2-3 weeks time??

at times really wonder is there anything on Earth that is worth looking forward to?? of course, except family and frens. other than those, it seems like there are political tensions, conflict everywhere.. wonders about this definition named 'life'...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How do you know u're getting old?

It's when u:

1. start planning how to use your money way in advance
2. set up new columns like "debt", "savings" and "cosmetics"
3. start thinking of getting savings plans
4. start thinking of ways to increase earnings
5. start thinking about ur other "fyp"
6. start listening mostly to old songs
7. start sleeping less
8. start pondering about this weird thing called "life"
9. lose the stamina to rewatch tv serials even though u missed about half the show (when u used to be able to rewatch a tv serial several times without getting sick of it)
10. start drinking coffee without sugar
11. start peering into the mirror a lot (scrutinising at ur own face that is...)
12. talk to yourself ALOT
13. laugh for no apparent reasons (or what seems like no apparent reasons to other pple)
14. are always looking everywhere for things that are already on u
15. start feeling like u're getting senile

Got this from a fren's blog..
to my horror, i met most of the criteria... ahh...
verdict: im really getting old...
Monday, September 18, 2006

my 1st DIY accessory

actually its nothing to shout about, jus tt im proud of this creation =D
it is my first DIY accessory as im not involved in the making of earrings etc for the bazaar. instead i contributed ideas on the design and in charge of making the belts and doing the packagaing.

How is it??

Now my interest to make DIY accessories is rather high, thinking of 'beautifying' the other bag charms as well as remaking the leftover earrings.. maybe during mid term break as a stress relieving activity.. lol..
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Weekend Special: Korean Actor - Hyun Bin

Fell in love with this shuai ge when watching 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon'.. lol.. think i really no cure liao.. when watching korean drama, 我几乎是见一个(男主角)爱一个。。but at least for this show, im not alone in drooling over at this male lead.. hah.. well, who can resist his boyish but smirkish smile?? even my mum say he is good looking..
too bad right now he has changed his image somewhat, then not so shuai liao.. *sad* dunno if he imitates 明道 or it is the other way round, Hyun Bin now has curly hair.. but i still prefer his image in MNKSS =D

His info:
Actor/Talent: Hyun Bin 玄彬 (현빈)
Real Name: Kim Tae Pyung 金泰平 (김태평)
Birthday: September 25, 1982
Blood Type: B
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Famly: Parents and one older brother
School: Joong Ang University 중앙대학교 제1캠퍼스(서울)(연극과,졸업)
Hobbies: (watching) Plays, Swimming, Basketball
Status: Single

Credits: www.soompi.com/forums "Hyun Bin" thread, www.hyunbinchina.com

Friday, September 15, 2006

Bazaar & Recruitment talk

the 3 day bazaar has come n past.. for e first time, i am manning my own stall! =D n the process is certainly fun. at first i did worry about the sales cos we pumped in quite a lot of $ into it, but after a while i start to relax and enjoy myself (chatting wif frens etc).. no stress, no worries, wat a good way to pass time.. hee.. and did feel a sense of pride when ppl purchase the items, indication that ppl appreciate and like the item you make - a form of recognition n tt you have good taste/style/foresight.. hah..

sales wise, think its not too bad. there were times when we were real busy while at times we were jus there shaking legs.. lol.. there are quite a few competitors around and realise everyone has his/her strengths. there is a stall which is one stall away from us that sells really nice brooch and necklaces! think she fared better than us ba, cos there seems to be a constant stream of customers over at her side. i am even tempted to buy from her stall too... hmm, perhaps we can collaborate next time??

and economics doesnt apply in biz at all.. although there is 3 econs majors among us, we dunno how to maximise profits. then on friday which is the last day, we even went from revenue maximisation to stock minimisation =P now fully understand how the retailers feel when they simply jus like to clear stock.. its really anything goes so long as im not making a loss..

anyway the funniest scene during the bazaar is during the last hour of sale and aft sale on friday.. we were practically 'looting', reserving the stuff tt we like.. for the aft sale period, we were like zai fen chai chan but we were kinda sick of the earrings esp eileen and huiye.. went home with 20+ pairs of earrings.. nearly faint.. now i think i shd contemplate of getting more ear holes so as not to waste my too-many earrings collection.. ;)

there are also valuable lessons to be learnt..
1. control the cost - have a clear idea of what you like to make/sell before buying anything
i cant stress the importance of controlling cost! seriously i dunno why we chalk out such a high cost. there is no sole big ticket items but everything jus add up... so only start shopping when you have something in mind. cos as gals, we usu tend to buy stuff first b4 deciding wat to do with it. then it will end up in situations where you have too many of a kind until you dunno how to 'get rid' of them and little of another tt you need to buy more, which essentially means wastage..
furthermore, try to get stuff on consignment as far as possible. in this way it will reduce both ur cost and solves the problem of unwanted inventories at the end of the day.

2. learn to trust ur instincts
im not sure how true it is for other ppl but it is somewhat true for me.. if you feel that something will not sell well, pls try not to buy at all or jus buy a few to test the market.

3. pricing is an art.
we have learnt about optimal mark-up in theory but hardly have the chance to try it hands-on. & it is no easy task. there really is a psychological barrier when it comes to prices. if you price an item too high, you can expect the good to stay on the shelves and collect dust. there really is a barrier (not sure if it is economic or psy barrier) when it comes to price. imagine our surprise when the denim skirts are sort of flying off the shelves when we reduce the price on the last day.. cos we actually thought our initial pricing is reasonable.

although we were still in the red, im glad that i have a chance to be a little boss (still feel weird with the term 老板娘 when yinghui use it on us) and the experience that comes along with it. although i did several sales job before, it is a totally different situation and it is something you cant use money to buy. only those who have been through will understand. now looking forward to setting up such booth again but definitely not in the near future. it is a tad too time consuming and think shd focus on studies for now.. nevertheless glad that i took the plunge initially, cos you never know until you try! =)

besides the bazaar, have been quite busy attending recruitment talks this week. feel that when going for the talk, you ought to take note of the little/misc things instead of the talk itself, cos tt is where you can take a true glimpse of the company. at the talk, it is merely their respective staffs promoting their own company. n tts where i kind of get the style of different banks. Credit Suisse is informative and creative (have u ever heard of sushi being served in tea reception?) Deutsche is meticulous and perhaps put a strong emphasis on ambience (the tea reception is decorated as if it is held at a hotel) Barclays is practical (i love the cup!) and affable (the staffs) Lastly, Citibank is very class (metallic namecard holder leh) though a bit hard sell..

and met several frens whom i haven been able to keep in contact! so good to meet up again! then also met XJ. strange, when i say i miss my OCBC frens, then i met XJ at e talks, met Josh at Arts Canteen then chat with SN over the phone for a while. hmm perhaps i should say i miss all my non- econs frens.. lol..

think i will be submitting my applications to all the above banks, dun like to pass up any opportunity now.. hopefully i am able to get better responses from them (still cant believe how tough it is to apply for internship)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sleepy head...

havin been sleeping at real 'early' times these few days.. has it starting to become a habit?? due to this wee sleeping hours of mine, i have been late for discussions these 2 days.. oh no.. feel so bad about it.. n tt's not e end of e story.. i also dozed off in lectures.. jus hope tt e lecturers din notice.. heh..

dawn with the sudden realisation tt i have too much work at hand now.. project deadlines are rather cramp and i have not even started on ANY of them yet! (i hav 4 this sem, sianz) then my thesis reasearch is not progressing too.. what have i been doing these few days?? now it seems like i worked for 2 days then rest for 3 days.. omg, wat kind of slacking is this??

n with e various career talks ongoing in campus, i find myself even harder to get things done.. n tml is the 1st day of our bazaar stall!! hope our biz will be good! actually eileen and i are not optimistic about earning a hefty profit, i jus hope i can get back most of e $$$ i contributed for this bazaar stall.. super broke now, especially aft last night..

met up wif liqi (my ex student) last night, it has been quite a long while since we last met.. had dinner @ secret receipe, the food is nice especially e cheesecake.. it is simply gorgeous!! i can foresee myself to pop by J8 every now n then to buy different cheesecake to try.. lol.. anyway we had a good time eating n chatting.. it is a pity tt we met up so few n far in between and now she is heading to London to study law..
somehow i find tt fate is realli fansinating, shd i decide not to tutor her then, i wouldnt have known her.. but there are also times when friendships jus fade away with time.. quite sad.. i hope tt e frenship btw me & liqi as well as me & OCBC frens will not go down this route.. we have clicked rather well and did have an enjoyable time working together.. =) haven seen e OCBC frens for some time liao.. wonder how they are doing now..
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekend Special: Drama Review 7 - Forensic Hero

Bobby Au-Yeung - Tim Sir
Yoyo Mung - Madam Leung Siu Yau
Frankie Lam - Doctor Koo/Sam
Linda Chung - Ding Ding
Florence Kwok - Yvonne
Fred Cheng - Kong Jai
Jay Lau - Charlie
Natalie Tong - Mon

Tim Sir (Au-Yeung) and the police force are in charge of solving murder cases. Siu Yau (Yoyo Mung) is the head of her department. Sam (Frankie Lam) is a doctor whose responsibility is to find out the victims' causes of death and other health-related jobs. Ding Ding (Linda Chung) is an investigator who helps to solve cases.

In between these cases, the characters of this story have a lot of personal issues to deal with. Yvonne (Florence Kwok) finds that her husband has been cheating on her because she does not want to have children. Kong Jai (Fred Cheng) develops a crush on Ding Ding, but soon finds out that she likes Sam. Meanwhile, Tim Sir's wife, Charlie (Jay Lau) died. Although Tim says he is not ready for another serious relationship, he develops feelings for Siu Yau and vice versa.

One particular day, the police force is called to a very strange case. The murder victims have been killed in the same way the victims were in Sam's books! When the force begins to suspect Mon - they find her dead. Who is this strange serial killer and why are they killing people following Sam's books?

Taken from http://www.spcnet.tv/reviews/review.php?rID=1251

When I first heard of this drama, I thought of CSI and the module offered in NUS 'Forensic Science'. After watching the drama, i regret not taking up tt module.. lol! It is certainly an entertaining, informative and enjoyable drama. It is one of the few dramas that got me hooked till 4-5am.. heh.. Although it is not exactly on par with CSI, it has its own strength..

In this serial, investigators do not play a one-man show, unlike other detective series, which i think its good as it is a truer reflection of real life. when e court maintains that the charged is 'innocent until proven guilty', the prosecutors have their hands full finding critical evidence and the different sectors (inspector, lab technican, medical doctor) works hand in hand to solve the puzzles. i was treated into a world of behind-the-scenes of evidence gathering, lab testing etc while gaining some general knowledge.. Coupled with relationships, this series, in my opinion, is more humane than CSI.

Most cases are interesting too, though some looks 'copied' or familar.. credits must go to the producers, the pace is right and they keep the cases short and sweet (each case took at most 3 episodes to solve except for the last case ba), cleverly avoiding any drag. along the way, im testing out my observations and analytical skills.. guess tts one of the criteria of a good detective drama. I was hooked right from the first episode cos the 1st case is very interesting and keeps me guessing..

my dislike for the drama, lies in the relationship of the leads. somehow i feel that it is kind of draggy and did not really sense their chemistry. perhaps it is due to a lack of depth for each of the leads/ relationships such that i dun feel for them. but i also have to say that it is difficult to have both excellent cases and awesome love stories packed into this drama which is only 25 episodes long..

Characters wise, i like Bobby, Frankie and Yoyo. Frankie looks so dashing in suits =P like wat other fans say, he got the 'suit' look. Both Bobby and Frankie did a good job, being veteran in the showbiz, they sure know how to act. as for Yoyo, like her style of acting in the serial.

All in all, i will definitely recommend this drama, especially to those who like to watch suspense serials.

Rating: 8/10
Thursday, September 07, 2006

teachers & babies...

MOE just announce a revamp package to attract the bright into the teaching profession as well as retaining the good teachers..
MM Lee also hopes to get the top 1% of chinese-competent students to become chinese teachers..

got a few questions on my mind aft reading the above news..
1. Does the MOE believe that 重赏之下必有勇夫?actually it holds for most situation.. who can resist the tempation of money?? but in my opinion, i think it only works to a certain extent. teaching is basically a 百年树人 job, the teachers are entrusted with the responsibility of educating the next generation who will become the pillars of the country in years to come.. this certainly calls for an attractive package to compensate the teachers.

moreover, teaching also requires lots of patience and passion in order to carry on.. i being a pt time tutor, fully understand how important patience and passion is.. i must admit that i am coaching one student for the sake of money and tutoring her becomes sort of a chore.. there are times when i jus like to throw in e towel or contemplating of going to lessons without preparation.. but since 拿人家钱就矮人家三分,i decide to fulfill my responsibility. the situation has turn for the better now, but im still counting down on e no of sessions left =D (but its bcos of my current heavy sch work) n i certainly hope tt her interest in e subject will not diminish bcos of me..

my example shows how real is the problem of using money to get teachers.. some newcomers might become teachers simply bcos of the lure of the monetary factor. will they become dedicated and passionate teachers that will teach the students the beauty of languages, natural sciences etc?? will they hence kill whatever interest the students have for the subject?? im not here to make negative remarks about teachers.. in fact, i am realli fortunate to have GREAT teachers throughout my academic years...
Pri sch - 马老师,林老师,蔡老师,Mrs Leow, Mrs Tay
Sec sch - 梁老师,Ms Vivian Thoo, Mr Alan Heah, Mr Tong, Mrs Emily Cheng, Ms M Wong, Ms Jessica Ho, Mr Yeo CK, Mrs Vijay, Mrs Thersa Lim, Mr Ang CS, Mr Yian CS
JC - Mr Alvin Bek, Mr Low KP, Ms Ratna, Ms Chew, Mr Menon, Mr Chan YF
NUS - Prof Albert Lau, Mr Lim CH, Dr Wong Wei Kang, Dr Ho Kong Weng, Mr Randy Tan, Prof Xing Xiaolin.
without them, i will not be who i am today. super grateful to each of them. taking this chance to thank them.
however i also encounter a few who nearly killed or totally destory my interest in some subjects. i shall not mention names here, but im sure some frens will definitely know e ones im referring to.. especially the unforgettable one, whoever cant rem tell me hor.. =P

古人说“学好三年,学坏三天”,i will like to repharse it to “(兴趣)三年建立,三天摧毁” it jus take a teacher to affect the students, be it good or bad.. however, the negative impact far outlast the positive one. i wonder how many of the students out there lost interest in a sub or totally hate it to e core bcos of one teacher.. nonetheless, the consequences ought not to be ignored cos we may be losing students who are talented in tt particular area. so MOE shd not think tt by attractive package will solve the problem of hiring quality teachers. anyway, it is not e first time this happens. if my meomory serves me well, MOE has a similar plan carried out in 2001. within 5 yrs, there is yet another such package, does it say something about the success of such package??

Besides that, one of the hurdle for potential teachers-to-be is the heavy workload, be it academic or admin, as well as the stress level, esp those teaching in top schools & JC.. aft being thro the high pressure cooker environment in JC n seeing wat my teachers went thro, i kinda swear tt i will never become a JC teacher... n i personally think tt shd be MOE's priority instead..

2. good students = good teachers??
this seems to be a hotly debated topic.. my sec 4 teacher has also mentioned this before, i rem she said the coaches of world-class atheletics are not ex world class players. the William sisters are being coahed by their father who knew nothing about tennis. Tiger Woods coach seems to be a nobody in golf as well.. (still rem e joke about the coach of Tiger Woods, nearly fell off my chair when my beloved classmate gave e 'ans', lol) n i seem hard pressed to come out with cases of good teachers whose students are top rate, are top students themselves, at least not in e sports arena.

by hoping to get the top students to become teachers seems to assume tt good students will have what it takes to be a good teacher.. personally i think it is not necessarily true, a good student may not become a good teacher.. bcos a good teacher will requires more than good knowledge of the subject. being articulate & affable, having the passion and patience etc are several but essential elements of a good teacher. i have come across teachers who scored distinction in F Maths S paper but could not iterate the concepts well n thus leading to confusion among students. this may be a standalone case but nevertheless kinda violates the above assertion. and i oso feel that good students also lack in another component, lack of connection to e avg students. they may not understand why some students find it hard to comprehend some basic stuff cos it most probably has always been smooth sailing for them, thus forming a gap btw teachers n students. IMO, those who struggled and succeed have e highest chance of becoming a good teacher cos they have been in the shoes of avg student b4 n hence can teach in a more appropriate way to suit the needs of avg students.

now, lets talk abt babies. =D

Princess Kiko of Japan gave birth to a prince yesterday morning and the Japanese are so happy.. i must say it is one of the big irony in modern society. in the era where women have prove that they are as capable as men and is able to hold up half e sky, one must be a guy in order to ascend the throne in Japan.. outright gender discrimination!!!

i believe the future wife of this prince will face immense pressure of producing a male heir, shd there be no more male offspring born into the palace.. pity her..

on the other hand, Japan has always been, and is still now, a largely conservative society.. up till now, women are still expected to become housewives after marriage, as well as shouldering most of the responsibility of looking aft e kids.. perhaps this is also the reason why Japanese women are delaying marriage and/or giving birth such tt Japan is facing a baby crisis..

actually the situation is not unique in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Spore is facing similar situations although e extent is not as severe as Japan. what can i say?? the men ought to change their mindset, currently i feel that the thinking of men is “又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草”, they like women to work n supplement household income but also do not like to shoulder more responsibility of managing the household/ looking aft kids.. 会不会是大男人主义在作祟?毕竟他们也呼风唤雨了千多年, 通常在位越久的人越舍不得下放权力/地位。。 所以一时间要改变他们的观念也不容易, 但也不能一直拿这来当借口。。
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Weekend Special: Drama Review 6 - War & Beauty

Gigi Lai Chi - Yuk Ying
Charmaine Sheh See-Man - Yee Sun
Maggie Cheung Ho-Yee - On Seen
Sheren Tang Sui-Man - Yu Fay
Bowie Lam Bo-Yee - Shuen Bak Yeung
Moses Chan Ho - Hung Mo

Every three years, the Emperor calls for girls from honorable families in all the lands to enter the palace so that he may take the best as concubines. Among the many thousands that arrive are Nhi Thuan (Charmaine) and Ngoc Dinh (Gigi), who during their journey are rescued from the clutches of some common thieves by Moses and his pal Sang (Wai Ka Hung), also on their way to the palace to seek their fortune.

Upon arrival, the girls quickly find that the current holder of power is the evil and scheming Sheren, who is the Duong Phi, second in rank only to the Empress, played by Rebecca Chan. They meet An Thien (Maggie), a clever and crafty 'co-co' responsible for their training in the art of servitude (someone equivalent to a housekeeper in 19th century England), and Bowie, a doctor who can't seem to mind his own business and keeps getting mixed up in everyone's schemes, yet somehow still manages to keep his morality intact.

Needless to say, there is plenty of rivalry and back-stabbing. The two would-be concubines, at first mushy as chocolate cake, are soon at each other's throats. Sheren discovers that she needs all her cunning to remain in favour with the Emperor against the fresh-faced and much younger new arrivals, while the mastermind behind it all is the Empress, who will do all in her power to hold onto her place by the King's side. Everyone plays the games according to their own private agenda, but all with a common goal: survival - in a place with few morals, where the sly gain power, the powerful rule and the weak stand absolutely no chance.


My frens were telling me before i watched this drama the story is exciting but somehow the more you watched it, the more chill ran down ur spine. i tend to agree with her. 怪不得人家常说最毒妇人心。。 i still cant believe that women can go to such length to plot against people etc.
Heard that this show is a hit in HK cos it resemble the office politics there. *faint* i shudder to think that 人性是这么的黑暗。。

What impresses me most about this serial is the character development - or perhaps more accurately, the many dimensions of each character and how they constantly shift depending on circumstances.

anyway the female leads in this serial is not totally bad to the core, they all have their own story that contributed to who they are today. although i can say that perhaps their stories are jus an excuse.. i mean when faced with a certain situation, like in the case of Maggie, there is certainly other routes to take? so why choose this route and subject ur loved ones to endure so much pain and you are also facing a tough time?

my fave character is Sheren, her acting is really superb! i really feel for her character.. although she is evil, she is jus putting up a strong front in order to survive. deep inside, she is very humane, as evidenced by the love of her daughter and how she treat her servants and the handkachief she sewn (jus my guess) which ended up with Moses.
the other female leads acted well too, although i personally dun like Gigi in the show.. cos i think tt she overact at tines.. more so in her crying scene, cant stand her at tines cos she seems to try too hard..

for the male leads, i personally dun understand why 5 women fell for Bowie. and Bowie actually fell for a woman who doesnt love him back! all she did is to use him, dun understand why he fell for her in the first place.. especially he already knew on their first meeting that she is rather scheming.. but well.. love strikes you when you least expect it..

there are boring moments as well. think its kinda extra to include the relationship between Moses and Maggie.. no sparks between them and rather boring. feel that the relationship between Moses and Sheren is more interesting.. =D

before i conclude, i must say something about the ending.. it is such a spoiler for such a wonderful drama.. it is too rushed, unbelivable n a complete anti-climax! perhaps the scriptwriters ran out of ideas??

All in all, excluding the ending, this is a great drama with magnificient scenes, beautiful costumes and an intense plot.

Rating: 8.5/10 (will be higher if not for the ending)